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I am having a grumpy day

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There isn't anything majorly wrong. There just isn't anything particularly going "right". I'm trying to hide with a jig-saw puzzle but everyone keeps finding me. I'm consoling myself with a chicken salad and "Sherlock". Is this the guy that everyone is going gaga over? He's kind of funny but I don't think of him as a heartthrob. . . I actually prefer the guy who play Watson.

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That was me last week: humid and almost 90 degrees (too early in the season for those temps). I hate the heat, hate sweating, hate not being able to sleep due to the heat (no AC, we have window fans, but we had to close the windows due to thunderstorms!)


Today was cloudy, a bit gloomy and threatening rain, but at 57 degrees, I'm a happy camper!


Hope tomorrow goes better!


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I sorry!


My day has been lousy too. My poodle died, my son is throwing up, and I'm supposed to finish some documents for tonight, but I've already decided to miss the deadline. Really, my life sounds like a bad country song right now. Blah.


On the bright side, DH did bring home ice cream. Ice cream is good.

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