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Best wii / wii U games for age 7?


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The Scribblenauts series is really good. It's a logic puzzle type of game designed for children. I've seen it recommended on here before. The original games were created for the Nintendo DS. I'm glad to see they have one for the Wii U. It seems to have a multi-player functiion but I'm not sure how that would work. When my family plays the one for the DS, we talk about the puzzles together to decide what to create so it's good for family togetherness imho.

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Mine want a Wii U so they can get the Lego City game. I told them we weren't spending that kind of money for 1 game. We have a regular Wii and Xbox 360 Kinect, so it isn't like they are deprived.


We told our son the same thing for the same reasons. He has come up with about 6 more games that interest him.

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Mine love MarioKart and Wii Sports (bowling, tennis, etc). They are both good family games as well.



Do you need different controllers to go with Wii Sports?


This is all so new to us since we've NEVER had a family game system. We resisted for a long time but finally caved.

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Do you need different controllers to go with Wii Sports?


This is all so new to us since we've NEVER had a family game system. We resisted for a long time but finally caved.


Just the Wii remote, and nunchuck for some of the games (boxing needs it). One remote and one nunchuck should come with your system. Well, we have a Wii so I am not sure how the Wii U might be different. I know they sell tennis rackets for the Wii but we've never used them, just using the remote works fine. For driving games it is nice to have the steering wheel, you can get them separately quite cheaply, but I've noticed my kids haven't been using them lately. I prefer to have one to grip rather than just the remote (the remote clicks into the steering wheel, so you can use just the remote for driving if you prefer).


FWIW we have been happy with off-brand remotes, the Wii brand are expensive. The only one we don't like is the one that requires a screwdriver to change the battery, it's annoying. But the other off-brands we bought weren't like that. We also bought a charging station where we can charge the remotes/battery packs between uses. That was a later purchase, you don't need one to get started.


The Wii is the only game system we own, we chose it because of the games we can play together.


Hope this helps!

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