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Question about why I can't post a picture and just talking about myself lol...


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I haven't been on here in a few months so I just wanted to update on myself... :p Oh, and find out why I can't post a picture. Haven't been able to at all since the new format on the forums. It just says 'Uploading is not allowed' on the bottom of my posting page next to the button that says 'attach this file'. Anyway, if anyone has any clue on that, LMK! :D

SO I was really busy back in February and March, directing the choir for our church's Easter musical (which was a first for us... we've never done a choral production before, always more 'musical'-like. This was totally choral) and it was AWESOME. I had forgotten how much I loved that sort of thing! And...well... how well it fits me, it's my niche, choral stuff. Anyway, that was fun. :)

We bought an exercise bike, of all things, around the end of February and I started using it 3x/week. I lost about 15 lbs pretty quickly. More recently (like in the last 3 weeks) I decided to start running (I've always loved running but have talked myself out of it repeatedly over the last few years, due to time constraints and just general laziness ;) ) so I took the kids for a run a couple times and then started going on my own last week -- at 6:30 am! I am SO not a morning person but I really look forward to running, and after I did it once a friend started joining me, so now we've gone 3 times at 6am. !! I'm signing up for The Color Run 5k in my area in September, and we have another 5k in our area that month, too, that I'm planning on doing - just need to figure out how to sign up for it. I'm so totally stoked, and I really hope that I stay this excited about it. As of right now, I look forward to getting up and running - let's hope that feeling sticks! :)

The end of April I signed up for a trip to Thailand with Compassion International. So I'll be doing that next January. Working now at trying to figure out how to save up the amount of money I'm going to need by the end of September -- picked up a couple of voice lessons and started babysitting a little boy 3 days/week to start getting some income. Applied for a part time job in the evenings at a company right down the road from us and I'm waiting to hear back - was hoping to hear something by the end of today, but no luck. :/ They said I would hear in a week/week and a half so hopefully the beginning of next week? If I got this job, plus the money I'm making from the other stuff, I wouldn't have to do any 'fundraising' sort of activities to raise money for my trip, which is my goal. I CAN NOT WAIT to go to Thailand!!! I've always wanted to go but I've always sort of put it off, saying, 'maybe when the kids are older', 'maybe when we have more money', 'maybe someday...', etc. I just got tired of saying maybe later and decided to go ahead and go for it NOW. I've never been out of the country before, so this will be all new and exciting for me. I'll get to meet our little girl that we sponsor in Thailand, which is awesome. I went through everything to get my passport ASAP and they sent it to me with the wrong birthdate, so I had to send it back this week to get it fixed/get a new one. :rolleyes: Oh, well. Glad I got it this far in advance so I have time for that!!

Let's see... I have a consultation appointment on June 19 to see if I qualify for LASIK. I've wanted to get it forEVER but once again, I just kept putting it off, always finding other things to spend the money on. Now that I'm going to Thailand (and can no longer wear contacts on a regular basis), I just feel it would be 100x easier to not have to worry about glasses and all that while I'm there, so I'd LIKE to get LASIK done sometime this summer or fall, if possible. If I don't qualify, well, at least I'll know. :)

School-wise, today was our last day. So that's awesome. We usually take 6 weeks for summer - not sure what we'll do this year, I'm sort of just playing it by ear. I've always been super scheduled and planned out, but I'm just not feeling that right now. So we're doing what we're doing and we'll see. :) Next year I'll have one in 4th, one in 2nd, and a preschooler, so it will be an interesting change with 3 in the mix instead of just 2 (though I'm not doing much with the preschooler except OPG and some ETC books, as well as just 'fun' stuff for math). Our nearby homeschool convention isn't far away, and I'm REALLY looking forward to the time away. (I go alone, with friends - time to party it up! lol)

I think that's about it. If you actually read all that, thanks! :p Any words of advice on anything would be much appreciated.

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Can you rub some enthusiasm for life onto me?? Great to hear your life is going well, and you're bouncing with energy and spark!

Thailand sounds wonderful!



I would if I could! :lol: :)

TBH, I wasn't feeling nearly so enthusiastic for quite some time, was actually feeling a little blah. Even my DH is a little like, 'ooookkkaaayyy' about all my new things lol. :)

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Heather, I TOTALLY would if I could, but our flight is included in the cost (well, the flight out of LA, anyway) and we're going through Seoul. Which makes me want to cry a little, lol, just because I want to actually GO TO Seoul, not just be stuck at the airport there for a few hours lol! :D

I figure I've always wanted to travel the world, now it's just time for me to start! :) So maybe Seoul... or Neverland ;)... next? lol

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