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Having another baby

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I really can't decide( I have a very indecisive personality anywaY)

I have twin boys that will be 7 in December. I *kindof* have the itch...

I just don't know if I want to start over, ywim? Plus, the boys are at the age where we can do so much with them. We love to go camping and rafting, tubing etc.

I just don't know. I know it's a personal decision, but do you have any personal insight?

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I don't know how you KNOW. I know when my oldest was 6 and my twins were 5 I got pregnant with ds #4. It was hard to go back to the baby days, but now I cannot imagine our lives without Andy. He is so close (and vice versa) to his older brothers. Their relationships amaze me and make me so happy. AND, after twins, having just one was really fun (still is). It's a whole different game. ;)


For us, we were kind of iffy about #4. We decided to give it a year and if it didn't "happen" then dh was going to have the big "V." Typical for us, though, we just have to say the word pregnant and I am. (We're very lucky that way)


I wish you luck figuring out what will work for your family.

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We were going to stop after our two boys, but ended up getting pregnant with dd. She's 3 1/2 years younger than our younger son, and is such a JOY!


I say GO FOR IT!!! :) The boys are old enough to help out, and know that you love them. There's NEVER a DEFINITE right time--where all things are in place and you have enough money and stuff like that. So if you have the urge--go for it!

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It is an adjustment going back to the baby stage, but I think you'll really enjoy it. Your boys are old enough to be independent and a little bit of help to you. I never had twins but I did have 2 sets of closely spaced kids and then a baby after an 8 year gap. He has been so much fun for the entire family and I have really enjoyed just concentrating on him without other little ones to take care of.

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Babies can pretty much go anywhere and do anything, its all in the mindset. There is plenty of gear available for you to use to bring your baby along on all your adventures.


Secondly, of all of the people I know who have regrets about how they spent their life when they are old... many of them say "I wish I would have had more children." I think children can only add to happiness. If you have another, it will feel like they were always part of your life and you will wonder how you ever got on without them.


I love being able to completely fall in love with my children when they are born, its better than anything!

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Well, I can't make the decision for you or your dh. But, I'll tell you our story. We had 5 children in a row...1 girl and then 4 boys. Dh decided he was done. So, he scheduled *the* appt. if you KWIM. First appt., I cancelled b/c I just didn't have peace about it. 2nd appt. the dr. cancelled b/c he had to do surgery. 3rd appt....we found out we were expecting baby #6 3 wks before the scheduled procedure! :) Savannah is a JOY and really changed our family in a good way. Well, then dh and I just decided to leave our family size up to God and lo and behold...baby #7! I had 3 miscarriages in btwn #6 and #7 and thought we were really done. But, Jesse was born healthy and happy on Mother's Day this year. :D Now, don't ask me if I want more b/c I'm just not sure. Some days I'm so dog tired that I wonder how I am going to manage. Some days are good and I'm thinking...one more won't be so bad...and maybe we'll get another girl! It's so personal....praying you come to a decision you are at peace with.

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I feel the same way sometimes. To start all over again when I am at the point where I can actually shower without an interruption . . .


When I watch our "baby videos" -- when the boys were babies -- I weep like . . . a baby. I so long for it again at time. I miss so much of it.


But, my husband being 13 years older and us living in a very small house helps bring me back to reality. Though I have three sons, the oldest came with the marriage, so I've only given birth to two.


I just wanted to say I feel the same way.

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... we have three beautiful daughters, 3.5 years old and 1.5 year old twins. Dontcha just love twins?


They are ALL wonderful, but because of having a C-section with the first (she was breech -- foot sticking out, long story, won't bore ya), then cancer in between pregnancies, then another C-section with the twins, then they had pyloric stenosis (another long story, just think projectile vomitting x 2, and you have the picture)...


Well... for us, we just are thankful to have these sweet and healthy girls. I'm sure that if we had more children, we would love them, too -- but it might not be the best choice for our family. We have these three and we really are content and satisfied and full. Sometimes I wonder if I'll have that "itch" again, but I'm already 41 and counting, so my husband says we are DONE.


What does your husband say? It sort of matters that you two are on the same page! ;) Enjoy your boys, seven is such a wonderful age!

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I have 5 kids my youngest will be three soon. I would love another some days but other days I don't want to go back down that road. I wish it were an easier decision. I wish God would write me a note and let me know what I should do.

:iagree: but if He gives, I will gladly accept.

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The way I look at it is when you are older and past being able to have a baby, will you regret not having one more? Or if you did have one more, would you look at that child and regret having him/her? Maybe give it a few months and see how you feel and then decide.

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