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What is a 'good' vitamin? I see this recommended all the time.


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My ND likes thorne brand. I've also heard NOW is a good brand.


I'm currently using Emerald Laboratories because the forms they use are the final forms used by the body, that require no conversion to be absorbed. (alot of vitamins on the market do require conversion, and you are then left with lots of waste product floating around your system that your system has to get rid of. plus, you're not getting all the vitaimin you paid for because you lost some in the conversion.)


my son used to take rainbow light gummies - until he decided he didn't like gummies anymore. thunk.

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Seconding the recommendation for Rainbow Light Womens' One. It's whole-food based and usually fairly reasonable in price if you order from Vitacost or can get it at Walmart. Our Walmart used to carry it for a while --a month supply for about $8-- but I haven't found it there recently.

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