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Any beekeepers in the Hive? (Hey, that's funny!)


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I have two nucs coming from a local beekeeper's association I have joined. They will be here on June 10th. I have my beeboxes ready on a stand and have read Beekeeping for Dummies. I have the suit, gloves, a smoker, a hive tool and a bee brush. I have a chicken waterer and pollen substitute in the freezer. My mentor let me come play with her bees last week. (Well, they don't really play too much, but you know what I mean...) I am nervous and excited, kind of like when I was expecting a baby. :D


I'm sure there are other folks here who are beekeepers with some advice/stories. :)


P.S. We live on four acres so I have a nice, sunny spot for them out of the way of kid traffic areas.

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Welcome to the Hive! ;) I've been a bee keeper for about 4 years... it's very rewarding. We've learned so much about bees; they are amazing creatures. And bonus: free honey, wax, and propolis! Our first year we got 60 pounds of honey from a single hive. It was awesome.


Congrats on your nucs and good luck!

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Welcome to the Hive! ;) I've been a bee keeper for about 4 years... it's very rewarding. We've learned so much about bees; they are amazing creatures. And bonus: free honey, wax, and propolis! Our first year we got 60 pounds of honey from a single hive. It was awesome.


Congrats on your nucs and good luck!


Wow - 60 pounds! I am hoping for lots of honey. Do you sell your excess? Who does the primary beekeeping? In our house, this is my project. :)
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I'm the beekeeper here, too. :) You will build up some upper body strength for sure-- a honey super filled with honey weighs a ton!


I barter and/or give a lot of honey away to friends and family (wool and homemade pickles are my favorite things to get in return :D). We also use a lot of ours up; I like to cook and bake with it in place of sugar when I can. If you're interested in selling, sometimes local places-- health food stores, feed stores etc. will sell off your excess for you. YMMV :)

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I'm a former beekeeper. We lost our last hive last year right before we moved, and don't really have a great spot for them in our new yard. I still have several frames in my freezer with comb and honey on them in hopes of having a starter for our next bees. Alas, I think I need to give up and say we're not going to have bees for the foreseeable future. I got 1/2 a steer coming so I really need the room too.


I was the main beekeeper too. But I didn't really do it for the honey, I liked the idea of helping the bee population.

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I have two hives! This is my second season. I put in a new hive this spring. My dad's been a bee keeper for a while so he's kind of my mentor. I got brave through when I could wear my new full body bee suit. I'm the only bee person.


Last season we had 1 hive and we got 8 quarts. DH loves to eat honey on crackers, I bake, and when the kids have sore throats we use it. I cant eat it because I'm diabetic. I do it for the bee stings for my arthritis, and for ingredients for making lotions, lip balms, and soaps that I have yet to make but I have all the supplies! :laugh: Waiting for a rainy week or the return of winter.


Propolis!!! What to do with it. Where to sell it? I've got a five gallon pail full that was given to me from the person I bought my used equipment. They said I could sell it in the raw form for $60/lb but they didn't have a source. Hmmmmm, thoughts?

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Thanks for sharing stories and experience (and enthusiasm!).


I have thought of selling the wax. I don't think I have time to make my own beeswax products, but I'm sure others would like to have it.


I don't yet have the honey extractor thingie because I was told that the bees need all the honey from this year since they are new colonies. I may borrow one next year. I've watched youtube videos, and it seems simple enough.


Tell me about bee stings for arthritis. I have not heard of that.


I am member of a local beekeeping association which is large and active. I have read Beekeeping for Dummies. Any other good resources that I should know about?


Thanks for talking bees with me! :)

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