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Amazon question - package never arrived, now what?


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I ordered several items from amazon (about $100) and since I have Amazon Prime, expected to receive the order within two days (which would have been last Thursday). The package shows no activity since the 15th. I called FedEx and so far, they cannot locate it either. I'm waiting on one last phone call from them (which should have taken place yesterday).


Do I have to file a claim for FedEx or does Amazon? How do I get my money back? I need the items by June 1st, so I've re-ordered but I hate to lose $100. FedEx says that they show the package arriving at one of their centers, but never leaving so they don't seem to dispute that they have lost it.


Any suggestions?

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When this has happened to me I have contacted amazon and they immediately sent a replacement. They said to contact them if the other package shows up. But especially through prime they should take care of it immediately. I can't remember off the top of my head where it was but there should be some option in your order history page to contact them about the item.

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Contact Amazon. They are amazing. They replaced via overnight delivery at no cost to me an iPod that disappeared from the box the mailman handed to me - it had been opened and retaped shut underneath.


Another time they had to resend a Christmas gift that never arrived....MONTHS later a man from two streets over called to say he had our box. It had been delivered to the wrong house number on the wrong street. Delivery confirmation at Amazon had said "left at side door" which, as I had pointed out to Amazon, was odd as we had no side door. Sigh. I believe it was one of those itty bitty delivery services that Amazon uses in addition to UPS etc. during the holidays. Anyway - I contacted Amazon to return it since they had replaced it already and they sent a free shipping label.

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