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Migraine diet and eating low carb


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Sorry. This is hard. Do you know if food is triggering the migraines? Have you done an elimination diet? I found Heal Your Headache very helpful. At some point I realized food was triggering a lot of my migraines, so I essentially quit eating everything except rice, a little meat and steamed veggies. It was really hard to quit everything, and it was even harder to start adding food back in knowing that I would give myself a migraine every time I found a trigger. I would cry each time I ate something new because I treasured the days in between when I didn't have a headache. I quit adding in foods when I had enough to live off of. Using elimination, I found out chicken and pork both trigger my migraines along with wheat, MSG, anything with gluten, corn, cinnamon, tree nuts, mushrooms, soy... It is a really long list, but it gives me control which is what I was lacking when my migraines first became chronic. I am happy that chocolate and coffee aren't triggers, but I am ever fearful that they will start.

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The migraine diet didn't work for me. But making sure I have enough B-2 400mg a day and magnesium keeps me happy. I also up my protein when I feel one coming on. I know to avoid certain cheeses or else I pay. Look into craniofacial massage. When I had a place that does that, I would get one every 3-4 months and helped quite a bit.

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Currently I take magnesium, plus Inderal and Amytriptyline (weaning off Amytriptyline due to weight gain) daily as preventive measures. I also have Imitrex and Maxalt to take when I do get migraines. I am actually reading Heal Your Headache right now, which was suggested to me here on another thread. That's what got me thinking of an elimination diet. I eat low carb for weight control and health reasons. I drink coffee to survive. ;) But I am willing to let go of all foods that might trigger my migraines. I'll look into Whole30 and Paleo. Thanks!

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The migraine diet didn't work for me. But making sure I have enough B-2 400mg a day and magnesium keeps me happy. I also up my protein when I feel one coming on. I know to avoid certain cheeses or else I pay. Look into craniofacial massage. When I had a place that does that, I would get one every 3-4 months and helped quite a bit.



How much magnesium and B-2 do you take daily?

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How much magnesium and B-2 do you take daily?




B-2 400mg a day

Magnesium- 325 mg a day plus I make sure I eat foods rich in it a day.


Have you seen a doctor who specializes in migraines? Mine made a difference and helped figured out what doses I needed. The pain meds did nothing for my migraines.

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