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Recommendations for Col. Williamsburg?

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We went to Williamsburg a couple of months ago and we took our 5 year old daughter. I can't remember all the details but I will do my best...


If you go to the main ticket building and ask them about homeschool discounts, they will direct you to a building across the way and you can get a discount. (Or you can Google how to find that building to save time.) That is where we got a map made for kids, with a guide to kid-friendly sites to visit. There is a program where the kids get stamps on their maps at designated sites and when they get enough stamps, just a few, they earn a pin which was a great little souvenir for my daughter!


I did notice kids dressed up in costumes, which you can rent for the day. I think it was like $30 for the day. The carriage rides looked neat, but again, around $25 or so. I can't recall exactly because we didn't do those things. My daughter was yearning for them.


As far as builidngs...I suggest doing as many of the tours as possible but there are plenty where you can come and go as you please. We went in the coffee shop where the talk was interesting and they served hot chocolate at the end of the tour. There is a house that is geared toward kids with games and dolls they can play with for as long as they like. Don't remember the name! There is a school house set up with LOTS of hands on kids activities and they can stay as long as they like. My daughter loved the dress shop. We got her a white bonnet which was pretty inexpensive, comparitively speaking! The book maker (printing press?) was fascinating. The outdoor market was interesting and fun. I guess I could go on and on. I would just choose a few things that you definitely want to fit in, and then stumble upon the other places at your leisure and choose what interests your family the most.


If I could make one recommendation that I think you'll be glad you fit in, I would see the fife and drum parade if possible! We were waiting for a table at Chowning's Tavern when the Fife and Drum parade passed in front of us outside. It was so neat! It really brings things to life. We liked the food at Chowning's and the waitstaff does a great job of "acting" while they serve.


At the end of the main road in Williamsburg is a shopping/dining area called Merchants Square which we love.


I LOVE WILLIAMSBURG! Hope you have a great time!

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The kids and I LOVED a talk with Thomas Jefferson. If they are still offering that you might want to take advantage of it. Definitely hit the governor's mansion and garden. The kids loved the capitol and jail. We took a carriage ride and my girls enjoyed that as well. We also liked the book maker's shop.


For dining we ate at both DOG cafe/pub (on Duke of Gloucester Street) and a cute (cheaper) place called Huzzah near the visitor's center. Both had decent kid fare and something for mom, too. Some of the more traditional places were pretty expensive, but I would have tried them if I didn't have so many kids with me. :o)


Have fun!

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You almost can't go wrong with anything in Colonial Williamsburg.


We always stop for breakfast at the Old Chicahominy House. It's only open for lunch and breakfast, and I don't like to leave the Colonial District once I'm there. :-)


If you can swing it, buy a pass, because many of the artisans are inside the historic buildings. If not, there are still some things you can see which will make it worthwhile. In any case, you should pay the extra for the Governor's Mansion.


You *must* see the movie at the Visitor's Center.


When we go, we like to just hang out; that is, we stroll along and look at whatever anyone wants to look at, for as long as he or she wants to look at it, and then we move on. No pressure. And we usually like to go for two days.


The Yankee Candle flagship store is in Williamsburg.

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There are a lot of cool things in CW. The Rockefellers' house is really cool. It's going to depend on your children (and in my case, the husband, LOL -- he spends a lot of time in the carpentry shop) -- the boys liked the blacksmith, and DD went to the milliner's shop about fifty times (okay, it was only about five, but in two days).


I vote for seeing as much as you possibly can, but do check the times carefully. Some things will only be open like 9-1 or 1-5 or closed on a specific day. So if you can take some time to organize the list, that will help you to make sure you don't miss anything.

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You can get discounted tickets for homeschoolers at the group sales office which is on the right before you go down the stairs to the visitors center. I recommend taking a family tour to start your day then look at the activity/tour options and pick the top three. We loved the Revolutionary City activities. The Raleigh Tavern Bakery, gingerbread and apple cider, is a must stop. If you've got children, like mine, that will wish for costumes and props bring the costumes and props along. The price of renting them at the Williamsburg gift shop is high and the same or similar items can be purchased much cheaper elsewhere. A kerchief cap and plastic musket were enough to keep my two youngest very happy.

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You can also buy historic triangle tickets (Yorktown, Jamestown, Williamsburg). Yes, we sewed dd a costume before she went. They talked to her appropriate to her dress, so that was a ton of fun. Check, but I think the restaurant we liked we Carrot Patch. Yummy sandwiches. There were several locations (Yorktown, etc.). There's also a seafood buffet restaurant where they several the food on boats. We STILL talk about that one, lol.

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