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WWE 2 workbook necessary?? I know I need the Teacher book

Holly IN

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I am trying to cut down costs this year due to economy and unknowns of my job situation. I know I need the teacher book but do I really need the workbook?? We just got done with WWE1 and felt like the workbook was unnecessary as the teacher book had everything. All I had to do was to provide paper for the assignments. So I am wondering if WWE2 workbook is similiar in set up as WWE1?





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Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm thinking you are asking if you could just get the book and not the workbook. The text/book is a guide to tell you how to chose passages for narration, copywork and dictation. You can use the book and not buy the workbook, but you will need to choose your own passages. If you want the work done for you, you need the workbook.


I was going to suggest what Kathryn said...look for someone selling who has used the student sheets and just has the teacher portion of the workbook left. Then, you'll get a cheaper price, but still have the work done for you. I am planning to do that for WWE2 because we aren't even using the student sheets for WWE1. The lines are too big. :)

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Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm thinking you are asking if you could just get the book and not the workbook. The text/book is a guide to tell you how to chose passages for narration, copywork and dictation. You can use the book and not buy the workbook, but you will need to choose your own passages. If you want the work done for you, you need the workbook.


I was going to suggest what Kathryn said...look for someone selling who has used the student sheets and just has the teacher portion of the workbook left. Then, you'll get a cheaper price, but still have the work done for you. I am planning to do that for WWE2 because we aren't even using the student sheets for WWE1. The lines are too big. :)


That's what I did. I originally bought the small teacher's book, but then I realized that finding my own passages was just way more work than I really had time for, so I happened to find someone selling the workbook for a good price and used that. If I'd wanted the student pages, I could have downloaded a new set from the Peace Hill Press website, but I opted just to use our own paper because it was the right fit for my son. I haven't seen WWE1, but WWE2, 3, and 4 are all set up pretty similarly, so I'm assuming WWE1 is as well (and the PHP site probably has samples on it).

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Doesn't the hardback teacher book cover all WWE levels? If you have that and don't mind coming up with your own sources, that's all you need.


The paperback books, with student & teacher pages in one book, are by level, WWE1, WWE2, etc.


The single volume hardback came out first. The 4 paperback student/teacher combo books came out later due to some customers wanting the sources/assignments all laid out for them. You really don't *need* both the hardback and paperback versions.

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Doesn't the hardback teacher book cover all WWE levels? If you have that and don't mind coming up with your own sources, that's all you need.


The paperback books, with student & teacher pages in one book, are by level, WWE1, WWE2, etc.


The single volume hardback came out first. The 4 paperback student/teacher combo books came out later due to some customers wanting the sources/assignments all laid out for them. You really don't *need* both the hardback and paperback versions.


Yes, the hardback has plans for all 4 levels, but not all the reading, copywork, dictation already picked for you. You have to pick your own.


I know most people say you don't need both. Personally, I like both. The reason I like both is because the workbooks don't give any background info on WHY you are doing this type of work. It doesn't give the theory or goals behind the process. It just jumps right into the work. The text gives you the background info. I like the workbooks because I like everything laid out for me.


Now, that said, you could easily borrow the text from the library, read the background info and not buy the book and only buy the workbooks. My library has it and I borrowed it before buying it. I wanted to own it, but I don't need to since I've read it and could check it out again if I needed to. :)

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