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What to bring 13yo boy who just had an appendectomy...?


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I coach my ds's Rugby team, and one of my players had to have emergency surgery to have his appendix removed yesterday. I would like to put together something that will help make his recuperation a bit easier. He will be in the hospital for up to two weeks. I think food is pretty much out.


Thanks for your ideas!



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His mom said the hospital has an XBox...I will have to check if he has a hand-held. If my ds was in the hospital- this would be exactly what he would request to occupy his time :).


If he has a game console it is the perfect time for a new video game!


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Great ideas! His mother says he does not like to read much because he has tracking issues- but he does enjoy National Geo Reference type books. Legos and puzzles would be great to keep him busy...I wish I knew what video games he is interested in.


Would lifesavers, or other hard candy be appropriate? I am sure his diet is restricted, but I would like to bring him a sweet.


@Unsinkable- Yes, the poor kid spent the entire day in the hot car Saturday because his brother had morning games, then our team had afternoon games. His mother thought he had a bug- and wanted to encourage him to be available since my team was short on numbers. He ended up staying in the car (thank goodness!-Rugby is a contact sport, and I hate to think what might have happened if he took a hit with a flaming appendix...). His mom thought he had the flu- he was still sick on Sunday, then Monday he woke up in pain. She feels terrible for not knowing- but he has a very high pain tolerance, and his symptoms seemed like a common bug. I don't think most people would have caught it. Apparently the appendix was hiding behind the colon- which made the symptoms less obvious.


Thanks for the ideas, I am going to visit tonight- then hopefully the team will pitch in and we can make a basket full of goodies.

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2 weeks for appendectomy?? Mine was emergency through the ER ( door to the OR in less than 6 hours) and I was in for 24 hours. Maybe they mean he will be on restricted rest for 2 weeks?


Anyways, Books/puzzles/new video game for his console (ask mom and dad which one)/ nothing with too many loose pieces if he will be in the hospital that long as they tend to get lost.

Maybe stuff like this:





Maybe an older lego set if you know if he is into TMNT or Potter or something

There are some skylander and angry bird mega blocks sets that a 13 yo might like..

Ohh... a small nerf gun , target and bullets (but not sure who will pick up all the bullets for him LOL)

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These are great ideas! I'm not sure what is going on with him but his mom said it would be up to two weeks in the hospital for his recovery. They inserted a PIC tube today.


2 weeks for appendectomy?? Mine was emergency through the ER ( door to the OR in less than 6 hours) and I was in for 24 hours. Maybe they mean he will be on restricted rest for 2 weeks?


Anyways, Books/puzzles/new video game for his console (ask mom and dad which one)/ nothing with too many loose pieces if he will be in the hospital that long as they tend to get lost.

Maybe stuff like this:





Maybe an older lego set if you know if he is into TMNT or Potter or something

There are some skylander and angry bird mega blocks sets that a 13 yo might like..

Ohh... a small nerf gun , target and bullets (but not sure who will pick up all the bullets for him LOL)


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These are great ideas! I'm not sure what is going on with him but his mom said it would be up to two weeks in the hospital for his recovery. They inserted a PIC tube today.



Edited to add: don't get me wrong, a ruptured appendix can be super serious. With the Picc line, it's sounds like he was septic. Poor guy.


I'm wondering if you misunderstood and he had a splenectomy?


That's a pretty serious situation. and we've known 2 boys who played contact sports who injured their spleens.


One was in the hospital for 3 weeks. The other's was not so serious and was there for 2 days. They both kept their spleens, thank God.


Whatever it is, I'll keep him in my thoughts.

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I visited him in the hospital last night. His mother wasn't there so I really didn't get any clear answers as to his condition. He says he needs another surgery in about eight weeks-So coming from a 13-year-old boy, he said that he did not get the appendix out yet they had to clean out the infection and fecal matter?? That in eight weeks he will have the appendix removed… Does that make sense?

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