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Standing ovations

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On a slightly different note. I recently went to a High School performance of the Wizard of Oz. It was at the high school my dd would be attending if she went to PS. She really wanted to go because she knew some kids in it and Dh and I reluctantly went. I was totally blown away. The costumes were probably the best I have ever seen- and that includes Broadway shows. The technical aspects of the show were totally fantastic. Wicked witch on her bicycle flying through the air. etc, etc./ They had a separate orchestra of adults playing. The acting was good, the singing was good, the dancing was great. What really blew me away was how many kids were in the show. It had to include many more than a hundred and this high school is the smallest in the city with only about 600 kids. (I know they imported some younger kids into the show but most were from the high school)> But coming back to the costumes- that must have cost tens of thousands of dollars. Most of the actors played a few roles and the costumes were so elaborate. It did make me slightly regret that dd isn't going to school there, even though her passion isn't theater though she does have some interest in it.

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I always thought standing ovations were for exceptional performances but have also noticed, at least with child-centered performances, that it has become more of an "I'm proud of you" acknowledgement. And I do feel weird if I don't stand when everyone else does, but more in a wondering-if-the-other-audience-members-are-judging-me sort of way. As in, I wonder if maybe others will think I didn't appreciate the performance or the hard work that went into it if I don't stand.




It also bugs me that we clap at the end of every. single. solitary scene. For pete's sake, can't they go one scene without clapping???

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