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Dr Hive...what is going on here??


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The last couple days I have been having this weird cramping like feeling on my right side...sort of towards my back...but sometimes across my stomach too....not real painful, but more just uncomfortable. It's not my time of the month, so I know it's not related to that. Yesterday I was fine all day until I sat down in the car to come home from the soccer game...the 1/2 hour drive brought on the discomfort and then later that night i sat down to watch some TV and it started up again. (or at least I didn't notice it...I was pretty busy) I goes on when I am not sitting, but it seems to get worse when I do sit. What could it be?? Any ideas??

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it's more in my side/back, than stomach. I mean, as I sit here typing this, I feel the discomfort in my right back/side area. I know I have felt this sensation before in a different setting, I just have been unable to pin point when and where as to explain how it feels..it's weird...sorry I can't be more specific.

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Have you eaten anything yet today? If you haven't, don't eat anything if you are calling the doctor today. Maybe they can get you in for a quick abdominal ultrasound.


At first thought I think kidneys or gallbladder. If the pain occurs more when sitting, it makes me think something is enlarged or inflamed. So hard to say without an exam and/or diagnostic testing. Are you running a fever?

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I've had vague feelings like that before when I've had small cysts on my ovaries. They come and go I guess (more frequently than we realize, from what I've been told). They are never any big deal -- like I said, they come and go.

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guess it could be an UTI, never gave that a thought. Just had an annual check up last month...a cyst would have been detected then, right? Never had anything like before. hmmm...is there something I can do for a UTI at home...don't really have time to see a doctor today.

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I just looke up common symtpoms of a UTI and I don't have any of them...so I don't think it's that.


I also have been having trouble with acid reflux. I have been taking priloscet since December...for a while it worked really well...but lately that has been giving me grief again too...do you think the 2 could be related?

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guess it could be an UTI, never gave that a thought. Just had an annual check up last month...a cyst would have been detected then, right? Never had anything like before. hmmm...is there something I can do for a UTI at home...don't really have time to see a doctor today.


A small cyst probably would not have been detected at a regular check-up. Mine have been spotted through an ultra sound. Usually after a full cycle though, they went away on their own.

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