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What to wear for job interview?


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I've never had a blue collar job before but desperate times and all... I'm applying for a job in the laundry room at a local timeshare resort. You apply in person. I think slacks and blouse would be overkill for someone washing sheets and rags. Jeans an blouse attire? Shoes?


Has anyone ever worked in a laundry room? Whats it like? The place is pretty packed in the summer from what I understand so the laundry room gets busy. This is a pretty casual community in general and a logging town but its a tourist hotspot in summer due to the lakes and bike trails.

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Honestly, I would still go with the slacks and a nice top. It shows professionalism and that you're taking the interview seriously.


True story: I applied for a blue collar minimum wage job right after high school, and before I started college. I wore a pant suit to the interview (definitely overkill for this job). Instead of hiring me for the minimum wage job I applied for, they hired me on as a management trainee because I "looked like management material". ;) I ended up working there through my college years (eventually became the General Manager), while they paid for much of my college through their tuition reimbursement program. So...don't underestimate the power of dressing a bit more nicely than necessary for that interview.


Good luck! :)

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Honestly, I would still go with the slacks and a nice top. It shows professionalism and that you're taking the interview seriously.



This is good advice. I work with a number of hotel and linen service laundries when placing clients. We always advise clients to wear something other than jeans if they have it. A nice top (knit or blouse) and some type of black/khaki pants would be great. Wear closed toe shoes. Most people interview for these jobs in sort of a "business casual" type of outfit.


As for the work, it is heavy and wet. Expect the first month to be very physically demanding until you are used to it and become efficient. Begin doing core and upper body exercises now so you don't injure yourself. Laundry jobs tend to be very stable among our clients--I think they generally like them once they get the hang of it.


Good luck!



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I think you want to look a little nicer than the job you're applying for, there's no way that it hurts the impression you're making. I referred to this in another thread, where someone showed up for a doctor's office receptionist job. She was wearing a hoodie and those pajama pants things.

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I agree with everyone suggesting to dress "up" for the position. I work in an HR office and it's amazing what some people come in wearing. I've seen plenty of cut-offs, flip flops, bazooms hanging out, etc. Does not make a good impression.

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