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ipad frustration...set up questions involving itunes accounts

Tammi K

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Okay, I need all the (tech) help I can get. I just reached my eruption point and told my kids setting up the ipads would finish tomorrow because I was about to say things I'm sure we would all regret. So, constructive help ( or just a hug - the big kind that cuts off my breathing so I pass into blissful oblivion :svengo: ) would be great.


The good: We decided to get each kid an ipad to be used primarily for school related activities.


The incidental: Each kiddo has their own laptop (hand-me-downs from older siblings...we're not indulgent - honestly!), an itunes account and an ipod already with their own distinct apps and music.


The progress: We created a 'school account' that we can use for kindle freebies and ipad apps. Tonight I went into the app store on my computer using the 'school account' and selected a few apps - google earth, notability, and dropbox . Both kids were then able to download the apps to their ipads and install/ open them. Then I sent a file via dropbox that they received and opened. So far so good. We're still trying to figure out how to open dropbox files in notability. Any hints?


The ugly: Here's where it went south. I have several Heritage History discs that contain a library of formatted classical literature in several different file types. The user guide says that to install books on an ipad we need to use the epub format and install through itunes. BUT, if we install it on one computer and then place it on the ipad, the kids say that that ipad will be permanently synced to that one computer and then everything will sync, and all will be lost, and life as we know it will cease and other really bad stuff like that........... imagine a LOT of drama as you read that last line and you will get a small idea of the tension level here right now. Of course the problem is that neither kid wants thier ipad to sync to the others computer and when I suggested we just do it through my itunes...well, that didn't go well 'cause no one wants mom's stuff on their devices.


Of course, not wanting really bad stuff to happen to the universe, I figure I need to find another way.

Is there another way to load files (I have epub, mobi, and pdfs of all of the books- all formatted for ereaders) to the ipads without involving itunes into the game? Is there anything else that would need to be added through itunes that's going to be a problem in the future? Suggestions for workarounds? If I go to the apple store with both ipads and my computer and say "HELP" will they help and will they charge me large sums of money first?????


I'm sure a big part of the problem is that I have two very excited kids who just want to play with the new toys while I want to make them as useful for school as possible. It's probably not helping that it's almost 12:30. I'm sure it will work for both of us but I fear a steep learning curve. Any help getting over the hump would be great.

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I agree with the others. My dh and I use one iTunes account for our iPads. We manually sync when we plug it into iTunes so that we can each manage our apps separately.


That's what we do as well. Dh and I as well as all four kids all share the same iTunes account. We each have our own playlists and sync settings so I don't end up with other people's stuff on my iPod, but that also means that when we buy an app or a movie or an audio book for the whole family then we all get to use it.

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