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Best friend lives far away ...


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Does anyone else have a best friend who moved far away? My best friend since I was 12 moved to the south of France a few years ago. I still miss her. I am thankful for the internet so we can at least stay in touch via email, but I'd love to see her in person again. She can't afford to come here and I can't afford to go there right now so it will be a while before we see each other again. *sigh*

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My BFF and I haven't lived in the same town since high school. I get to see her every 1.5 years or thereabouts, more from freak circumstances than actual planning.


We don't talk on the phone much either, maybe every 4-6 weeks. But we just pick up where we left off and it's all good. :)


But we're going to visit them at the end of May for her daughter's baptism, and I'm the godmother! Hooray!

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I have 3 people I consider top tier best friends. Two live in Florida and the other in SoCal. We talk on the phone all the time, text, FB, email, send each other books and cds in the mail....it's hard, but thank God for living in the internet age. I see my Florida friends every few years or so, but the next trip is never guaranteed. My SoCal friend and I manage to get together once a year. It's not the same, but it's life.

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I just moved a few states away from my best (and only IRL) friend a few weeks before she bought a house that would have had her living 1 minute away instead of 5 minutes away from where we used to live. It stinks because it was so nice to have her just come over and hang out (she works part-time) and have some "grown up time" and to have someone to swap babysitting with.

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