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Minor triumphs


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It's funny,because I've been really worried about DD as far as social stuff this year (at age 8, a lot of her slightly older friends are moving into "Tween" behavior, and DD isn't there yet and probably won't be for awhile-according to her developmental pediatrician, she's going to hit puberty on the late side). She's also facing a lot of struggles with higher expectations from adults as she gets "big"-and still higher expectations for herself. And it seems like home has seen more of her emotional struggles and meltdowns as she's struggled with the frustrations.


But, just in the last week, she has twice been willing to eat pizza with multiple toppings. She's started to eat casseroles instead of needing ingredients separated out because she can't handle the mixed flavors. She's become more able to play with younger children and has put together activities for younger kids to participate, something she couldn't do a year ago. For that matter, a year ago, she wasn't comfortable having more than one person come play at a time, yet now she's not only willing, but eager to host groups and plan groups.


Her tumbling coach commented Thursday that DD is much, much better able to get herself under control when it gets loud and she's stressed, and that she's better able to verbalize what she's feeling and to ask for a break if she needs one.


And last night, she had the dance recital from you-know-where. She's had a horrible time with tap, especially this year, both because she got to a level that she struggles with (I didn't realize until awards last night that the two girls DD has been complaining "Can't do any wrong" are both a year ahead of DD in study and are at their 2nd year at DD's level-so it's not surprising DD had been struggling to keep up-even without SID and motor planning issues!) and a teacher who simply wasn't good at giving corrections beyond "that's wrong, do it again". Four costume changes, including a tap costume with an overlay which was not only scratchy, but left lasting marks on DD's skin (unfortunately, the under-leo didn't cover all of it). Four hair changes. Makeup changes, and a finale that required grabbing her t-shirt, pulling it on OVER her costume, grabbing her candle, and being ready to run on, because the two numbers were back to back. She made it through like a champ.


She did burst into tears at the end-after it was all over, she tripped and her candle prop for the finale broke-and I think it was just too much. She was terrified the teacher was going to be mad at her (not able to process, I guess, that it was over and NO ONE CARED about the dumb candle anymore), exhausted, and overstimulated. But she didn't melt down entirely, and was able to pull herself together for photos. Not great photos, and it's obvious that she'd been crying, but I didn't have to carry her out of there, either. BIG difference.


She's come SUCH a long way since last year-and somehow, I managed to miss it until all at once!

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