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I am stressing out as I have curriculum to sell to buy this years. Last year I sold quite a bit and it helped so much but with the new rules about having 50 posts I am stressing!! I have like 20. And I did 7 today. I cannot sit at the computer all day and then I read Jessie Wise Bauers comment on not posting for the sake of posting, and I feel guilty just looking for something to comment on. How in the world am I going to get 50 posts. I do not have that much to say that is worth listening to!!

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I've been a mostly lurker on TWTM boards since my 13 yo was 5 or 6. I don't think I've posted 50 times in all those years :D. I've also got a bunch of stuff to sell, but 50 posts is a long ways away for this non-talker.


I totally understand the rule though...



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I am stressing out as I have curriculum to sell to buy this years. Last year I sold quite a bit and it helped so much but with the new rules about having 50 posts I am stressing!! I have like 20. And I did 7 today. I cannot sit at the computer all day and then I read Jessie Wise Bauers comment on not posting for the sake of posting, and I feel guilty just looking for something to comment on. How in the world am I going to get 50 posts. I do not have that much to say that is worth listening to!!


Answer all of these questions seperately and that will get you to 50. ;)


How many kids do you have?

Do you have pets?

How many?

Do you like the color purple?

Do you like the color blue?

What is your favorite color?

What is your favorite flower?

How long have you been homeschooling?

Is it raining whre you live?

Do you live in the USA?

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Not sure if it is "appropriate" to say this on this board...but have you thought about using something like Ebay? I know of lots of people who have bought their homeschool supplies/books on Ebay. It is pretty easy to sell on there once you are set up. Just a thought. Good luck!

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Pick easy replies, like "your favourite movie" or "what are you reading these days" or "what do I do with these cucumbers". You don't have to have the wisdom of Solomon nor the gift of gab for such replies....you can do it!


Or, go to the HS or K-8 board and post list of your read alouds for X (girls, science, Greece). Or, answer simple questions there....is Y secular, does kiddo have to read independently to use Z books.


Try it, we don't bite.



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Ask the questions you'd ask if you were sitting at a coffee shop with some interesting people who you've just realized are homeschoolers too.


I sort of have the opposite problem IRL, I want to chatter on about homeschooling so much I have to curb it or else I'll make a pest of myself.


Here, I enjoy reading because I don't run out of interesting things to read. I don't post a lot, because someone else has already said whatever I might have, and expressed it better. :)

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