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Any books similar to Where the Sidewalk Ends?

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Jack Prelutsky. :)


If she wants to keep going after that, I'd recommend a copy of The Random House Book of Poetry for Children. Really varied poems, funny and serious, fun art, and exposure to many different poets, from which you can jump off from there.

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Sillier poetry favorites here include...


Be Glad Your Nose Is on Your Face (This has some gross stuff too.) http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0061576530?ie=UTF8&force-full-site=1&ref_=aw_bottom_links


All Edward Lear. We own several individual volumes and his original book, but I am drooling over this new version illustrated by Robert Ingpen. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0957148305?ie=UTF8&force-full-site=1&ref_=aw_bottom_links




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I second Jack Prelutsky. We also like Poetry Speaks to Children. I just found the book A Kick in the Head by Paul Janeczko at the library. It has examples of 29 different types of poems and a brief definition, I think I will buy this one! Our library has a large collection of kids poetry books that I've been thumbing through, don't forget to

browse yours!

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My top pick would be the two Judith Viorst poetry books for kids - If I Were in Charge of the World and Sad Underwear. They are EXCELLENT. Funny, touching, pitch perfect for kids. I never hear people talking about them, but they are close to Silverstein in the cannon of children's poetry in my book.


And, of course, the massive body of work by Prelutsky is also appealing for kids. Quantity is high. Expect quality to vary.


Not the same at all, but we've really enjoyed poems that have some twist to them. So, for example, the book of reverso poems Mirror, Mirror was a favorite here. Also, we really enjoy riddle poems - Spot the Plot was one book of riddle poems we loved. And Paul Fleishman's Joyful Noise is really good because it lets you read together, though the poems are a bit more serious.


And one of my favorites for kids is City I Love. But that's because we're city people and I got sick of my poor urban children only having nature loving poems. But it's got a less whimsical tone than Silverstein.

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Oh my gosh, I just ordered up a bunch of Jack Prelutsky books after this thread. We just got Falling Up (more shel silverstein) last week and had the same "falling in love" experience. I'm thinking a poetry unit is in order. Not to Hijack, but have any of you used Prelutsky's learn to write poetry book? LOL should I add it to my order?


My kids LOVE this book. He speaks directly to the kids/readers, and it does inspire them to write poetry. It leans more toward Prelutsky's style, naturally, but it is a good, fun start to get kids writing.

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Thanks Kristina for the reply! What age do you think I could start using it? My oldest is 7.... is that too young?


My kids LOVE this book. He speaks directly to the kids/readers, and it does inspire them to write poetry. It leans more toward Prelutsky's style, naturally, but it is a good, fun start to get kids writing.


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Thanks Kristina for the reply! What age do you think I could start using it? My oldest is 7.... is that too young?


I would say age matters less than reading ability and the creative willingness to giggle along and then give the writing a whirl. Can you have kiddo read an excerpt from Amazon to see if it intrigues? I do that a lot.

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Great idea, I'll do that, Thanks!


hollyh, THANK YOU for this thread, I was really feeling a little down on myself for being a little anti-poetry (LOL other than Shel Silverstien and song lyrics, I don't *get* it) but now I am excited to try our hand at it. :)

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