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So, how does one go about finding a GOOD Opthamologist?


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For almost a year now I've been seeing double when I look to the left or down. It gets better as I look straight and is totally 100% normal if I look to the right or up.


I'm a big believer in the body usually being able to heal/fix itself, but I no longer think that's going to be the case in this situation and I'm ready to get it looked at to see if it can be fixed this summer (after school lets out). However, I've no idea how to find a good opthomologist and I've been hearing a few "yuck" stories from people who have been to some (like, going blind after surgery or things not getting better yuck). No one has had a "good" reference.


We don't have to stay within any special providers, so how do I go about finding someone I feel I could trust? I may choose to stay with things the way they are anyway (double vision is better than no vision and I don't think it's gotten worse), but if it is something "fixable," it could be appealing to get it fixed.

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Ask your optometrist for a recommendation. They refer patients to local ophthalmologists when more serious problems arise and then they will see the results of treatment/surgery as they continue to see those patients for routine care later on. Optometrists always know who the "good" ophthalmologists are.

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If you are in the USA, and you are looking for an M.D., who is a Specialist, look for someone who is "Board Certified", in that specialty. In this case, a Board Certified Ophthalmologist. You are correct, that you need to see one, ASAP.


Two of my cousins, in California, are Optometrists, but I have never been to one. An Ophthalmologist is an M.D., trained to treat diseases of the eye.


What I did not realize, until I moved here, 18 years ago, is that within their field, Ophthalmologists specialize. For example, our Ophthalmologist specializes in treating Glaucoma patients and Cataract patients (hopefully, I have neither of those problems).


If you have an M.D. you trust, hopefully, they can suggest someone to you. If you live in or near a large city, where there is an Eye hospital, you will have a lot of them to choose from. Pediatric Ophthalmologists, etc.


Our Ophthalmologist will not treat things, when colleagues of hers are better prepared. It was her idea, to my astonishment, that I have LASIK surgeries. She sent me (in 1997) to a woman who was at that time, #2 in the world for LASIK surgery and the results are wonderful. :-)


I always respect professionals who tell me they don't know, or, that there is someone better qualified to help me.


Get it checked out, ASAP!

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So I need to start with an Optometrist? I don't have one of those either, though my two older boys wear glasses and have been to see a local guy for that. I guess I could start there, but I don't think glasses will fix this problem since it seems to be a bit unusual (absolutely no one I've talked with has had or heard of this problem - but we're rural - so there's not a huge pool of experience.)


Remember that I live very close to you -- I would be more than happy to recommend the person we see. Shoot me a PM if you'd like his name. I haven't had extensive experience with him, but he's seen me and my three older kids for checkups, and we really like him.


Will send you a pm...


If you are in the USA, and you are looking for an M.D., who is a Specialist, look for someone who is "Board Certified", in that specialty. In this case, a Board Certified Ophthalmologist. You are correct, that you need to see one, ASAP.


Two of my cousins, in California, are Optometrists, but I have never been to one. An Ophthalmologist is an M.D., trained to treat diseases of the eye.


What I did not realize, until I moved here, 18 years ago, is that within their field, Ophthalmologists specialize. For example, our Ophthalmologist specializes in treating Glaucoma patients and Cataract patients (hopefully, I have neither of those problems).


If you have an M.D. you trust, hopefully, they can suggest someone to you. If you live in or near a large city, where there is an Eye hospital, you will have a lot of them to choose from. Pediatric Ophthalmologists, etc.


Our Ophthalmologist will not treat things, when colleagues of hers are better prepared. It was her idea, to my astonishment, that I have LASIK surgeries. She sent me (in 1997) to a woman who was at that time, #2 in the world for LASIK surgery and the results are wonderful. :-)


I always respect professionals who tell me they don't know, or, that there is someone better qualified to help me.


Get it checked out, ASAP!


Your area sounds superb. I've thought about checking up in Rochester when we're up visiting middle son, but I've no idea how easy/hard it is to get appointments there. Maybe I should check into it.


ASAP isn't happening - too much going on work-wise until June, but I thought if I check now I could get an appt in June as many places tend to book that far ahead of time for other things (dentist, basic dr appt, etc). Since I've had this for pretty much a year now, I don't think another couple of months will change much.


(*** NOTE *** I probably should have had it checked out ASAP back when it happened, but I really don't recall a specific time/date when it happened. It probably came about gradually or I really wasn't paying attention since I could just adjust how I looked at something to see it well. Then, never underestimate the human belief that the body will heal itself given enough time and a general "fear" of medical stuff... In hindsight I'd have gone earlier, but now? I'm trying for 2nd week or so in June as school ends the first week.)

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