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Latina Christiana Extras?

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We used the review worksheets this last time through and my two in the middle (11 yods and 9yods) know Latin much better at this point than their older brothers and sister did after completing LC 1. I don't know if it's because I was more confident or because of the extra review but I'm going to do it the same way next time. In fact, what we did was drop the quizzes and tests and do the extra worksheets instead.

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Oldest did Ludere Latine 1 this year as a light Latin year. It was *harder* than LC, IMO. However, I'm not sure it would make a kid learn more.

I thought the free worksheets download (on the MP site) were good to add in sometimes. We just did some of the exercises on the white board. They were tougher than the LC workbook.

The new practice worksheets came out after we did LC, so I can't speak to them.

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What's the difference between Prima Latina and Latina Christiana? They both say they are for people who know nothing of Latin. I'm confused. LOL


Prima Latina is a gentle introduction to Latin and that is what we are doing now and my dd9 loves it! We do it with the DVD teacher. It is aimed at grades 2-4. Latina Christiana is what you do after Prima Latina and it is aimed at 4th graders and above, though they do it list it on their website for 3rd grade up. You don't need to do Prima Latina though.


Hope that helps!

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What's the difference between Prima Latina and Latina Christiana? They both say they are for people who know nothing of Latin. I'm confused. LOL


They all have the same basic format which we love. Much of Prima is repeated in Latina Chistina I so could be skipped technically. The prayers learned in Prima are more spread out over LC I and II as I remember. Dd loved learning all the prayers in latin. She already knew them for for LC I and II so not as interested in that part in the later volumes.


Your new pictures are great!


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Has anyone bought and/or used any of the extras for Latina Christiana? I'm speaking about the review worksheets, Ludere Latine games/activity book and grammar charts. Are they worth buying?


We used Ludere Latin I. dd enjoyed it--loves book work. Ds did not -- no surprise. I thought it was repetitive. Same things every week. One of those things that I wasn't sure I got my money's worth out of but as a mom who doesn't know latin didn't hurt to have it. No one was sad when we skipped it for CL II.

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