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Who's going to tackle Saturday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Sweet Baboo LOL I haven't heard that in ages! That's Peanuts, right? My uncle used to call his babies "Sweet Babbo"s.


I've been tackling Saturday since 2:30 this morning :/ DD had developed an odd, but not disturbing, rash. At 2:30 am it flared up and was very disturbing. I ended up rushing her to the dr at 8 am. Probably poison ivy AND she is allergic to the glue in bandaids (?) so the bandaids we had been putting on the rash to keep her from clawing at it actually produced a second rash. Then, I had to get actually showered and dressed, pick up her meds when the pharmacy opened, pick up snacks/ODS's friend/rent video games because I'd promised him a friend over today *yawn* Did I mention I had to get up by 7 to drop my mother off at her church retreat?


I need to grade math. Must do so. Also, need to work on planning next week. Our friends from out of town will be in for a visit so I will be planning our day to be sure we have plenty of time off to spend with them.


I'll have to get lunch together. Pizza for the kids (delivery!) and quinoa with shrimp for me, I suppose.


I need to catch up on some laundry. All the dirty clothes are clean, but I have some stuff I bought at Goodwill that needs to be washed so I can wear it.


I cleaned the house last night for the company today, so at least I can sit down and not be bothered by dust or dirt or clutter.

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Okay, I am in.


I have spent the past 2 days on my tush, and my vacation is quickly ending.


I will use this post for my accountablity check and vow to post room by room as I get some things done.


First will be a shower and since I am in there....clean the bathroom. I will check back when I am done. If I don't check in then I ditched the plan and went to the mall. LOLLOL

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How's it going, Tap? :toetap05:



Well, I started by putting on some music. That led to dusting.


I have talked ds18 into shampooing the living room for me though. That should count for something! LOL I also got dd14's commitment to help clean today. I just need to make a check list and she will dive in. She LOVEs cleaning checklists. LOL


DD6 had a huge tantrum and needed physical restraint. :0( I am decompressing from that right now. Hopefully if the house is quiet for a bit she will take a nap.


Shower and bathroom are next.


UPDATE: shower got cleaned but not the floor. Dealing with dd6 flared up my back so cleaniing will need to above the waist for the rest of the day.


lunch and pain meds right now. prepping living room for ds to shampoo next :hurray:

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I need to get off the WTM Boards and go find some summer clothes (and bigger clothes) in the garage for the 2yo. She's so long legged that we can see her big-girl-panties peeking out from some of her dresses!


Also hoping to make some pumpkin dessert today!


Off I go!

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Boys were at Nana's overnight so I took the opportunity to clean their room:) Washed all bedding (including quilts and shams), washed curtain and cleaned window, dusted but can't vac until they come home and clean up assorted legos. Since I was upstairs and doing windows anyway, I also cleaned two windows in the schoolroom and one in my husband's office.


Made 2 day grocery list and went to store, picked up boys on way home, brought groceries in and put away and cleaned up the living room where the dog choose to throw up;P Of course, this was AFTER dh shampooed all downstairs carpets this morning. Love that dog, not.

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Am I the only one embracing the weekend, and not pushing the broom? We have an event to go to later on, and I need to rest up so I can make it through that. So nothing being done beyond the basics -- cat care, breakfast dishes, etc. Hopefully, it won't be too bad/too late a an evening and I can get some things done tomorrow.



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Tap and everyone else - Delegated items definitely still count! Ds15 mowed both front lawns (we're on a corner lot). I'm crossing it off of MY list! Dd did her volunteering with the babies and I did my volunteering in Zumba. Dh (AKA Sweet Baboo) cleaned the kitchen again for me this morning. Is this man lobbying for sainthood or what?! Dd is wrapping her present and making a card for the birthday party we're going to this afternoon.

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So. . . if your neighbor sends you an e-mail almost everyday for the last week, including last night, asking when you are going to put an order in to an online company (we share shipping costs) - wouldn't you assume that she really really wanted to make an order? So when you get back to her and say that you will place an order this weekend and she says "Oh, that's ok. I'm going to be out of town anyway. . ." wouldn't it make you do this? :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

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I just spent the last two days entertaining a gaggle (or is it a giggle) of teen girls for a birthday party sleepover - and I let my ds have his friend stay too! And then I woke this morning with a fever! I still managed to do dishes, and put back together the kids' room. I talked dh through making dinner.


Me and the couch are probably best buds for the duration of this weekend.

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Carpet shampooed!!!!! It looks so nice. I love it when you kids get old enough to really complete a more complicated chore and do a great job.


DD14 has been a great help today too. She has just worked along with me, doing my bidding. LOL She also vacuumed the family room (shag area 10x14 rug) with the shop vac, and vacuumed the furniture in there as well. She pruned the indoor plants.


Together we cleaned windows,



hung/filled new bird feeders,

rearranged books and decor on two largish book shelves (took us an hour LOL).


DD6 just had another HUGE tantrum that lasted the better part of an hour. I am very, very done dealing with her today. Bed will come early for her tonight.




Still to do tonight (it is 640pm here right now)


The floor is drying and then I need to put some large furniture back in place.


Remove the books that I put in dd6's room today. I thought she would like them but they just became projectiles when she had a tantrum an hour ago. I need to box them back up and find a new home for them. The shelves they were on, have been moved to the garage for Craigslist.


The kitchen needs freshening up and some kind of dinner made.


If I stay motivated the living room couches may get shampooed, but I doubt it will happen tonight. I think once I sit for very long, the pain of the day will settle in and my back will become concrete.



Thanks for the thread today, it did help to get me up and going!

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Earlier today, I said:

I need to get off the WTM Boards and go find some summer clothes (and bigger clothes) in the garage for the 2yo. She's so long legged that we can see her big-girl-panties peeking out from some of her dresses!


Also hoping to make some pumpkin dessert today!


Off I go!


I got sidetracked in the garage. The good news is that I cleaned out several bins in the garage for donation (clothes and books).


The bad news is that the size 2 summer clothes are tight on dd2. I need to go find size 3 tomorrow.


And no pumpkin dessert yet. :sad:

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