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What should we do to be ready for PreAlgebra/Algebra?

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My 7th grader tried Saxon 8/7 this year with her co-op. It was clear it was not working 1/4 of the way into the year, but she wanted to push through it. She finished a little less than 3/4 of the book when I told her to take some time off from math.


I heard that ACE placement tests would find holes, and tell you exactly what PACE to use to fill the hole. That sounded perfect. I could buy the little units to help where needed, and she would not have to start 7th grade over in a new curriculum. Well, she placed right at the end of what would be 6th grade math. I feel like such a failure to have lost a year. I ordered a couple of the PACES to finish out the year with and so far she is happy with it. She says it is easy which I feel is a good thing after struggling so hard with Saxon.


I know theoretically the goal of 7th grade is to firm up what they've already learned and prepare for Algebra, but I am not sure what that should really look like. I have the first edition of WTM and it is not helping me. I am having a very hard time comparing 7th grade curriculum. They seem very different. I do believe that she needs something more mastery than spiral. She also needs much shorter lessons than Saxon. Ideally, I need something that teaches directly to her.


So should I stick with PACES since she is handling it well? It seems like nobody around here uses it and I'm not sure why. Should we use the Key to.. Series? How do I know which ones she needs? She used Math Mammoth in 6th grade and tolerated it well. I didn't realize there was a grade 7/8 until just now. Maybe we should go back to Math Mammoth.


I really appreciate any feedback you can give. I should add that she used Rod and Staff in private school through 5th grade. She did well with it but hated the drill, drill, drill.

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Math Mammoth does have worksheets for Gr7 and Algebra. There is no teaching in them, though. But if she can understand work with them, that will be good prep for Algebra/PreAlgebra.


If she has completed MM Grade 6 with understanding, she should be able to start the Keys To Algebra books. They have integers, linear equations and other topics that are prep for Algebra.

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MM6 even has quite a few prealgebra topics itself. I might have her take the end of year test for MM6 and see how she does, particularly with fractions, decimals, percents, order of operations, and negative numbers. If she didn't have any trouble with those, she should be ready for prealgebra. Maybe she just forgot and needs a little review of these topics? Did she do any of the cumulative reviews? Review ratios while you're at it (MM6 ch 2) - that will come in handy.


There isn't an MM7 Light Blue yet, though when it comes out in another year or so, MM7 will be prealgebra. I don't think there will ever be an MM8. The MM7 Gold worksheets are just prealgebra review without instruction.


I'd find the weak areas on the above topics, review them, and then move on to a mastery prealgebra, such as Dolciani (very straightforward).

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I've seen Lial's Basic College Math recommended for a good solidification of arithmetic skills with some pre-algebra ideas thrown in. You should be able to go straight to Algebra after BCM.

Lial's Basic College Mathematics

Going from Lials's BCM to Lial's Introductory Algebra ....

S/O Lial's BCM or Lial's Pre-Algebra


Jann in TX uses BCM for her on-line basic Pre-Algebra class.

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You don't want to move on to Algebra without having arithmetic totally rock-solid. Even if the norm where you live is Algebra 1 in 8th, you can always double up on math later on to get back on track. Geometry can be taken concurrently with Algebra 1 or Algebra 2 or you can do one of the Algebra 2 books that include Trig and then go straight from that to Calculus. But success in the higher math courses depends on having a solid foundation in the pre-algebra math.

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MM6 even has quite a few prealgebra topics itself. I might have her take the end of year test for MM6 and see how she does, particularly with fractions, decimals, percents, order of operations, and negative numbers. If she didn't have any trouble with those, she should be ready for prealgebra. Maybe she just forgot and needs a little review of these topics? Did she do any of the cumulative reviews? Review ratios while you're at it (MM6 ch 2) - that will come in handy.


There isn't an MM7 Light Blue yet, though when it comes out in another year or so, MM7 will be prealgebra. I don't think there will ever be an MM8. The MM7 Gold worksheets are just prealgebra review without instruction.


I'd find the weak areas on the above topics, review them, and then move on to a mastery prealgebra, such as Dolciani (very straightforward).


I think this is an excellent suggestion. MM is mastery, and one of its strengths is a thorough, incremental explanation of topics, yet it is easy to accelerate through mastered material.


If she has a hard time with the MM6 year end test, you could even go through and have her do each chapter test, which would pinpoint where the difficulty lies. Then you could review that topic thoroughly. OTOH, if she passes the year-end test with flying colors, then you are ready to move on to a good mastery Pre-Algebra.

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