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If you had a room


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Reserved at the library for 2 hours that is

A. Sound proof

B. has 4 computers with Internet (can't print though)

C. Has couches as well has two round tables w/chairs

D. You have this room for 2 hours a week and could extend up to 6 hours

E. it's a library so we can grab books, and such to improve our time


I also can go into the computer lab and print things if I need too.


How would you utilize your time?


Currently we have 1 laptop & 1 iPad so we often rotate our time and have so many distractions in our school day from my 4 year old niece, dogs, phone calls etc.


I don't mind bringing some of our books, pencils etc. but not wanting to cart in a bunch of stuff.

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So so tempting to reserve the room for just me and do just that lol.


Maybe I'll pin it all on dh and stay home and nap.


We reserved the room from 10:30-12:30 so I'm thinking we will eat breakfast and do our regular morning routine which is our journal, dol, math word problem of the day, bible verse. Then hit the library and do spelling city...then, I don't know what lol.

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Is there a reason you need to be there? Is it less distracting? It wouldn't work for us, the time taken up to get there and the distractions once there wouldn't be worth it for me. However, I'd use it as a group room. Sounds perfect to meet up with other families to work on some things together.

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Is there a reason you need to be there? Is it less distracting? It wouldn't work for us, the time taken up to get there and the distractions once there wouldn't be worth it for me. However, I'd use it as a group room. Sounds perfect to meet up with other families to work on some things together.


In spite of my completely unhelpful answer about napping, my first thought on this was that it would be perfect for holding our literature club meetings. Maybe invite a few other families to share the time with you and do a spectacular project that you wouldn't necessarily do at your own house.

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It's mostly needing some space. We currently have two families in one home. We have 11 kids and 4 adults here. I am the only one who is home most of the time my dh works as do the other set of parents so most of the "parenting" is on me and their is a certain level of "oh she can do this that or the other thing" becuase I dont work outside of the home(very little respect that i educate my kids, do homework/after schooling with their kids, cook 2-3 meals a day and clean up after 15 people) We have lots of distractions in our daily work and space is an issue. We also only have one computer. So I thought a room with a computer for each child a few hours a week we could do our spelling city, typing, etc with out having to take turns. I will also have dh with me so if our 4 year old gets bored he can take her to the childrens room or something else. Dh's schedule is changing in a few weeks he will be going to four 10 hour days and off on Tues/wed/sun the only days I am home alone with just my kids are Thursday and Friday. So I have a thought of using dh's off days at the library and doing school at home Thur/Friday.


Basically the more time I spend outside of the home, the less crap gets piled on to me and I can't be expected to "babysit" all the time if I am not here. My kids education has not suffered but my patients has.


Sorry I didn't mean to vent that much, but 2 solid hours of school with out interruptions sounds amazing to me right now lol

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We have a room we can reserve at the library - not as nice yours. It is nice to have a change of scenery every once in a while. My kids would get a lot of work done in that envirnoment in a shorter amount of time. I brought everything we might need. I would have brought puzzles, crayons, a headset or supplies for my youngest if needed. Take advantage of your tax dollars!

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We go to the library or Barnes and Noble or somewhere like at least once a week. They have bigger tables we can spread out on. They have a globe, a dictionary, books and puzzles, computers w/games, etc.


It is a nice place to spread out our work and it is easier to focus w/out the kids' bedrooms and toys and distractions calling to them. I set one up to work on something independent and reward finishing quickly w/a bit of time on the computer or going to pick out a movie to borrow or something. Then I can be working with the other on maps, reading aloud, whatever. Then I can switch to the other and do something that is usually tougher for her (like spelling for my younger one or writing sentences which includes spelling,) and switch off. We do cart in a rolling backpack w/supplies and texts though. Doesn't bother me.

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It's mostly needing some space. We currently have two families in one home. We have 11 kids and 4 adults here. I am the only one who is home most of the time my dh works as do the other set of parents so most of the "parenting" is on me and their is a certain level of "oh she can do this that or the other thing" becuase I dont work outside of the home(very little respect that i educate my kids, do homework/after schooling with their kids, cook 2-3 meals a day and clean up after 15 people) We have lots of distractions in our daily work and space is an issue. We also only have one computer. So I thought a room with a computer for each child a few hours a week we could do our spelling city, typing, etc with out having to take turns. I will also have dh with me so if our 4 year old gets bored he can take her to the childrens room or something else. Dh's schedule is changing in a few weeks he will be going to four 10 hour days and off on Tues/wed/sun the only days I am home alone with just my kids are Thursday and Friday. So I have a thought of using dh's off days at the library and doing school at home Thur/Friday.


Basically the more time I spend outside of the home, the less crap gets piled on to me and I can't be expected to "babysit" all the time if I am not here. My kids education has not suffered but my patients has.


Sorry I didn't mean to vent that much, but 2 solid hours of school with out interruptions sounds amazing to me right now lol


It sounds like a good plan to me. If both you and DH are there you are both able to deal with kids (restroom breaks, removing bored younger kid(s) to a more interesting part of the library) AND you are both NOT at home to "do for" anyone else. You might also have some moments for quiet visiting with each other, which it sounds like are preciously few right now.


Do like you said. Use the time for computer-based lessons and research. If you have some small USB drives you can save materials onto those for each kid. They could type notes into Word documents or such, too, (at least the older ones) and it would be good typing practice.


Also have them look up materials in the card catalog and go find them. This is good library skills practice, and they can become better acquainted with the librarians. Let them do some discovery, and do some of your own.


If the other family members remark on how this takes you away from the home (and away from being available for them) simply tell them that with only one computer and so many who need to use it you had to get creative for solutions. You can also tell them how as your kids are growing you will need to take them on more outings related to their studies. Then go find some "field trips" to take when you really need another break, or a longer break from the norm.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Today was our day, we didn't accomplish everything I wanted too but lesson learned next time no 4 year olds lol. I spent atleast 45 mins of our time reading to her and bathroom trips lol. Otherwise we had fun! I almost napped on the orange couch I was so sleepy but lucky they had coffee.


Also found out you can bring booze to reserved rooms thought that was odd..dh proclaimed next time his coffee will be Irish lol


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