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Will I regret this rug ten years from now?


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I'm trying to pick out a rug for the family room at our new house. We've decided that we want to set up the room primarily to accommodate homeschooling and board game playing. So when I came across this hopscotch rug I thought it might be a great fit.


My question: is this going to distract us while we're doing school? Are my kids (now 4, 2, and 4mo) going to outgrow this too soon and think it's lame to have a hopscotch rug in the middle of our family room? Am *I* going to think it's lame 10 years from now?


Or will it (as I hope) give us a way to play some school games, or to break from school for a little physical movement?


There's no telling if dh will go for this anyway. But if y'all love it maybe I'll try harder to sell him on it, lol.

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Is the family room your homeschool space?

Do you have a living room as well?

I use our dining room as a homeschool area and I would use it in a space like that. I wouldn't want it in my living room. (but then again I have a castle being constructed in my living room right now sonopt sure it would really matter!)

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In ten years, your older child will be 14 and will have outgrown it. But your baby will be 10 and will not have outgrown it. My 11 year old still likes to play hop scotch with her friends. I don't think rugs like that last for longer than 10 years anyway. As far as being a distraction, it might be right now for the 4 year old when you first get it but after a while they will get used to it being there and I doubt would be wanting to use it all the time.

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Guest submarines

I love it! It is playful and simple at the same time. I think it will be great for the kids to play hop scotch on it and a fun way to incorporate physical activity and games into your day. I love playful elements, and I'm not a very serious person, though. :coolgleamA:

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MBG, we have a separate office/media room in the basement that will have our TV and couch. What I'm calling the family room (the homeschool room/game room) will have an oversized chair for reading to the kids, probably another comfy chair, plus some bean bag chairs, and a table w/ chairs for the adults and a table w/ chairs for the kids. The school/art cabinet and white board will be in the room also.

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I think it will depend on everything else you have. I love CB2 stuff, but that rug is designed for an adult contempt room, not a primary-colored, children-oriented room. I suspect the grey may become oppressive over time, and the design itself won't be as fun as it would be in a sleek room such as they show it in.

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I love it, and I think all of my kids would love it - the oldest one will be 14 next month, and the youngest is almost nine - I and I think their friends, even the teenagers, would love it - I'd get it for my living room or rec room, and I get tired of everything within 10 years anyway, so that wouldn't be a consideration for me. I like change :tongue_smilie: But I do think we'd love it for several years....in fact, the main reason I'm commenting is so that I can come back to this thread because I love the rug so much and in a year or so will be redoing the rec room

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