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Beginning Geography or Daily Geography?


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I've heard positive reviews for both of these books,and would like to add one of them to our curriculum. My boys will be 6.5 and 5. Neither have had any formal geography.


Is one better than the other? Is one more open and go? I've heard Beginning Geography can be a pain because of how the pages are laid out, copying, etc. I have lots of littles and won't use it if that's the case.


Which would you recommend and why?


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I am using Beginning Geography now with my K'er. I think it is a great workbook. Once in a while I have to copy something because there are pages with things to cut out on it even though there is a different activity on the back. It is not too tiresome, though. I haven't used the Daily Geography workbook, but I think the general opinion is that people don't like that one as well. You could just buy the e-book and print out the pages. Then it would be open and go without any need for additional copying.

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I have Beginning Geography and we're almost done with it for K, I paged through Daily Geography 1 at the bookstore and it looks like there is a lot of overlap of what it covers. As in it's from the same publisher, so the exact same pages are sometimes found in each. However, I haven't compared them closely to know what the real difference is. As a friend of mine said, if she used Daily Geography, her son would hold her to the fact that that was ALL they had to do for the day, whereas for BG, you can do as much as you want.

For BG, you do have to make a few copies throughout the book, maybe a dozen or so. But I just did them all ahead of time, and then stuck them in where they go so I could find them when needed.

Overall, I find BG very fun for the child but still learning. My non-reader made it through with me reading most of it to him, so that says something (IMO).

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I think Beginning Geography first and then the other later. I used Beginning Geography with my 5-year-old last summer with great success. I'm so glad we used it before starting our study of Ancients and the map work that goes with it. I had the eBook version. I didn't notice it being a pain.

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I have used the student workbook of the Daily Geography this year with my 8 year-old. It is very simple, independent, and always gets done. I didn't buy the teacher book, but I can easily glance over it to determine if the answers are correct. We do one full page (1/2 of a week's work) at a time. Even though it is easy, she has learned a lot and I think it builds valuable map-reading and direction-following skills. I'm not sure if we'll continue with it next year because we're doing Classical Conversations and we'll do their map work, but I may just continue. I think EM Daily Geography addresses different skills. The student books are available individually at the publisher's website for $7.99, I think.


BTW, most of the above can also be said about EM's Daily Science books. Even though we'll use CC's weekly science topics as our 'spine', I may continue with Daily Science because it is nice to have SOME independent work to assign her that requires that she read and follow directions and it really is high-quality instruction.

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Is it? That's good to know. Maybe I'm thinking of a different one...


Just checked. There are different levels of Daily Geography. That's why I was thinking Beginning Geography first and then Daily Geography later.


I have both, and the content is almost identical. The daily is short and sweet instead of the same material covered in one longer lesson. I would just purchase whichever is cheaper.


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