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List of Typical Sales/Deals for HS Curriculum


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Do you have a list of when your favorite stores typically have sales or discounts for the upcoming year? Don't want to miss any sales and still have things to buy. For example Christian Books, RS Math (ever?), MCT (any coupons ever). Wondering if we could start a thread for when stores typically have their sales, coupons, or free shipping. I won't be going to any conventions this summer and I do try to buy used whenever I can, however some things I can't and want to get the best deals. Thanks.

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All Alpha Omega curriculum (Horizons, Weaver Interlock, etc) is now at 20% off. They have this sale every April. You can buy it at that price through their website, through the Homeschool Buyer's Co-op (get HBC credit too!), or through cbd.com.

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You know, I posed a similar question before and never got much input. This is our 3rd year HS-ing and here's what I have found.


AOP (Horizons/LifePac/Monarch) the best discount you can get is 20% off from just about everywhere. But AOP seems to only allow retailers to

Critical Thinking Co: never seems to offer a sale. Occasionally offers free shipping.

Saxon: is sold at The Schoolbox and you can find it marked down there on clearance sometimes. 30% off seems to be a common sale point for Saxon at CBD & other retailers. It's so popular that a used HS book sale is an easy way to find it.

Apologia: I swear it never goes on sale below 30% off but again it's easy to find used


Goodwill in some areas gets a lot of HS donations. I live in Georgia so I don't know if this is true of all Goodwills. I've seen Abeka, Critical Thinking Company, Scholastic, Writing Strands, and Houghton Mifflin stuff at Goodwill. And their prices are unbeatable! Also a local thrift store near my mom has a TON of Abeka stuff that gets donated. You could seriously put together a full curriculum of used Abeka stuff if you hunted the right stores. This particular thrift store is run by a church which has a lot of homeschooling families.


I know in May & June several of the larger co-ops around me will have used book sales and I have had great luck finding stuff there.

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There are some things that get sold in a sales cycle, like Math Mammoth, which goes on sale periodically. But other things seem pretty random. Right Start definitely has sales. We got our set of RS Card Games on sale at one point, but it seems like they're not predictable.

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Timberdoodle recently had a "damaged and dented" sale. They carry a number of books by the Critical Thinking Co., as well as some other interesting things for homeschoolers. I picked up 2 Building Critical Thinking Skills books for $9.99 each. And they weren't really damaged or dented. I'm not sure how often they do this particular sale, but they have frequent discounts throughout the year. If you sign up for their e-mails, you'll get notifications of the sales.

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I don't keep track exactly, so these are off the top of my head. Searching for the relevant threads would get exact months & percentages.


Mr Q does an annual sale ... Jan? 50%? (Updated to reflect 50% discount per Zoo_Keeper's post!)

Writing Tales does an annual sale .... June, I think. Some % off + free shipping.

Pandia Press (History Odyssey, Real Science Odyssey (RSO?)) has an annual sale (or two) for 25% off (Mar?).


ChristianBook has certain times of the year they send out free shipping codes for orders over $35. I think at least two of my homeschool catalogs each year come with those. (Each code can usually be used three times.)

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Does anyone know what the discount is for Sonligt at a convention? There is one coming to a town 2 hours away this weekend (good stuff to do there; so, not a total waste to go), but I don't want to go all the way there to save only a few dollars.

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