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I think the time is coming near to put my mini poodle down


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I have a mini poodle I got from a poodle rescue in 2006. They had been told by the shelter they got him and the vet they used that he was probably about 3. Well in 2008, it turned out that he had a leaking heart valve condition, common in small dogs, and he was definitely older than 5 and most likely about 7 or 8. He has been on cardiac medications ever since. In about 2010, he started having trouble walking and it turned out that he had bad arthritis in his hips and in his mid spine. We started giving him a canine NSAID to help with pain and inflammation. It did help. He is still on that. Then, within the last six months, we noticed vision problems and it turns out that he has a tumor in one eye and his lens has dropped out of place in the other eye. That has gotten much worse lately which makes me think his tumor has gotten bigger. At the same time, we figured out and the vet confirmed that he has canine dementia. He was given medication for that and it did help a lot for a while. It is still helping somewhat. He also is on Omega 3 oil. He also has dry eyes on top of being nearly blind. He also had collapsing trachea.


But now here is why I am thinking the time has come. All he does is sleep, eat a bit, go out and get lost (I don't mean he wonders the neighborhood, he gets lost in our own yard on our own porch, etc.) and then he licks himself way too much. The licking is a new symptom and it really seems to bother him. He was going to the bathroom either on pee pads or outside but he has gotten lost now and thinks another room next to the bathroom is the place to go. I can put pee pads there but I am not even sure why I am doing this anymore. He is never really happy anymore. The medicine that was taking care of the dementia for a while seems to not be working as well anymore and his vision has definitely worsened a lot. But he does just mostly sleep. I should mention that his medication regimen is expensive- over 100 a month in total for all, but we can afford it just I am not sure it is the best way to spend the money since he isn't doing well anyway. One of the things that really bothers me about his life is that he falls at times, due to his blindness and not navigating steps well, and he also runs into doors, walls, cats- who hit him, etc. It really just has gotten a lot worse in the last two weeks with his getting lost and running into things. I think if he just had the blindness but had his full faculties, he probably could have learned to overcome the difficulties. But he doesn't have his full faculties.


My other animals I put down were much more easier to decide- my previous poodle got a brain tumor at age 7 and when medication stopped controlling the symptoms, it was obviously time. My 17 yo Siamese went from 12 lbs to 6 obs, and weaker and weaker. The vets ruled out things they could do something for like diabetes, kidney issues, heart issues, and the vets thought he had a undiscovered cancer. When he stopped wanting to drink water and eat, we knew it was time. But that cat enjoyed our presence right till the end. With my dog, he seems scared (probably showing that the dementia is progresssing again even with the medication) and doesn't seem to enjoy anything anymore.



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If it were me, I think I would decide that it was time. (I have a 14.5 year old large dog whose time is nearing, but I'm not sure he's ready yet.) It's such a tough decision. But if he doesn't seem to be enjoying life anymore, then I think it's probably time.

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I'm so sorry. Putting our dog to sleep was the hardest thing I ever experienced (until my husband's stroke!). When they are no longer enjoying life at all, and when -- if they were living a natural life out in the wild -- they would have been long gone, I think it's time. Our dog was definitely spending all of his waking hours either suffering, or completely out of it. It was so sad to see. The time was right.

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