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Tell me all about MFW 1st grade?


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regarding samples: all I know is they are working on getting the student samples back up..... they're frustrated too on that. :)


I've very briefly seen the revised edition. they had a sales event 2 weeks ago in my city. I definitely like the progression and speed better than before.. the lay out looked good. (I've used the older one twice). I didn't like the new art appreciation thing. I prefer Come Look with Me books. It's a similar idea with the in-house Exploring Art Together... you have a picture to look at and get used to.. learn a little about the artist.. have "picture study questions". that's good. I just came away from the art selections feeling like "blah".... that was the best they could get reprint rights for? blah. lots of gray, brown, drab feeling. I felt really bad for their rep who asked me my opinion. I hope she wasn't one of them who selected stuff. gulp. so, that's a part that didn't meet my art preference.


The Bible reader: that didn't change much from old version.. the art work changed in it. It is phonics related. So you can get the idea from table of contents what they need to know in the start. The print is larger and stories shorter in the beginning. This is a place I have bookmarked that shows the Bible reader about middle way to 2/3's of the way through the year


and it's with the older art work.


I liked that it covered all phonics needed. I liked that for advanced readers, you just simply turned it into spelling lessons at that point. The copywork and dictation lessons were good and age appropriate. Notebooking can be as hard or easy as needed for the student.

Math covered typical first grade goals... mix of formal and informal ways to teach. I wanted to look longer on that in the new stuff.. but didn't get to.. time crunched.


I like they've added more Bible activities. Time wise per day.... very Charlotte Mason

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regarding samples: all I know is they are working on getting the student samples back up..... they're frustrated too on that. :)


I've very briefly seen the revised edition. they had a sales event 2 weeks ago in my city. I definitely like the progression and speed better than before.. the lay out looked good. (I've used the older one twice). I didn't like the new art appreciation thing. I prefer Come Look with Me books. It's a similar idea with the in-house Exploring Art Together... you have a picture to look at and get used to.. learn a little about the artist.. have "picture study questions". that's good. I just came away from the art selections feeling like "blah".... that was the best they could get reprint rights for? blah. lots of gray, brown, drab feeling. I felt really bad for their rep who asked me my opinion. I hope she wasn't one of them who selected stuff. gulp. so, that's a part that didn't meet my art preference.


The Bible reader: that didn't change much from old version.. the art work changed in it. It is phonics related. So you can get the idea from table of contents what they need to know in the start. The print is larger and stories shorter in the beginning. This is a place I have bookmarked that shows the Bible reader about middle way to 2/3's of the way through the year


and it's with the older art work.


I liked that it covered all phonics needed. I liked that for advanced readers, you just simply turned it into spelling lessons at that point. The copywork and dictation lessons were good and age appropriate. Notebooking can be as hard or easy as needed for the student.

Math covered typical first grade goals... mix of formal and informal ways to teach. I wanted to look longer on that in the new stuff.. but didn't get to.. time crunched.


I like they've added more Bible activities. Time wise per day.... very Charlotte Mason


As far as the speed goes...does it move quickly through phonics? My dd is halfway through aas1 and dong well but she has no confidence to read. I know she can but I want a program that will encourage her to love to read...and all in one program (I'll continue with Singapore 1a--were doing that now). She likes to write, too.


I was thinking about MFW 1 with FLL1, WWE1, AAS1-2, and singapore 1A. We'd start MFW1 now instead of waiting until fall. My dd just turned 6.

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As far as the speed goes...does it move quickly through phonics?


the original version did move fast for many people. They had a thread on their board about how to slow down, repeat, review, use the reading games in the manual... now they've slowed it down.


pages 3 and 4 of the teacher manual sample (which is up and online) has the lesson overview/table of contents.. where it shows the progression and pace



things I've noticed. .... they added in consonant blends. Before the revision those weren't taught as separate items. (in Kindy and older first grade, they learned them as just 2 sounds together. That's blends like ST in stop.)

I'm not sure I"m explaining that well. Then, the speed of introducing long vowels with silent e was slowed down a bit.. most people thought "whoa! on day 18 and 19.. this is too much to do on my kid"... versus other people who thought 'really? this is easy".


so.. those are the big 2 things that jump off the pages at me that changed. I haven't done a full side by side comparison. but where the older program taught all phonics by week 24 (and then reviewed) the revised is going to at least week 28 before all phonics needed gets taught. both programs have built in review of course..

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We are using it. We're on about day 112 out of 160. We are using the old version...so I can't speak to the new version. We have really enjoyed it. I haven't added much to it except a different math (Singapore). Oh, honestly, I don't care for the science, which doesn't look like it has changed. The books they use just aren't my style. We did it in the beginning and then dropped it. I am somewhat sad to say, we have not picked up any science since. (However, my kids love science and get science in an unschooling type way. We watch a new Magic School Bus video each week and expand on those topics...so, that is sort of our new science curriculum. ;)) But, there isn't anything wrong with the science. You can do as much or as little as you want with it by adding in more living books.


Anyway, for us, we have really loved the core of the program (minus the science and using our own math). My son really enjoys the Bible reader, notebook, Bible/history reading and timeline. He asks for more almost every day. And, he is doing very well with the phonics and informal grammar taught. I am adding a formal grammar as we wrap up the formal phonics portion of the program. I'm not doing this because I think it's needed. I'm doing it because we have state testing and if we do that (we have other options too), I want to make sure he is ready.


Overall, it's a hit here and we will be using it again (the revised edition) with my current K'ers in about a year. :)

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You all posted while I was posting. :)


I think the revisions to the phonics will be good. However, I can say, *I* did think the phonics moved too fast in the beginning half of the year...but, *my son* did not! He handled it just fine. We kept moving and really didn't slow down even though I mentioned thinking about slowing it down. I think we stopped and reviewed for a few days once, not much. (Crystal probably remembers me posting about it.) My son was a slow and very reluctant reader with a bad attitude starting out and continued to be that way till at least day 70 or 75. I was very worried about the pace of the program. He did amazing! He has done a complete 180. He LOVES to read now and has a great attitude. It used to take us an hour to read the Bible reader story. Now, he reads it in 10-15 minutes or less. It has been wonderful watching him grow and develop. I really have no doubt that with the revisions to the phonics, it will be even better.


BTW - It's FLL1 I'm adding now. The program doesn't take that long. So, if you want to add to it, you could. Though, I don't think you really need to add much, if anything.

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This is good to know! Thanks for all the advice.


So, if you could choose the first version at a reduced price (like new condition at a homeschool store) or the 2nd edition, which would you choose? Sounds like the first edition? I definitely like the grid layout of the second version.

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I'd go with new edition so that I could get student sheets that match. I guess MFW is still selling the older student sheets for a little while. But... to be honest... I'd go with new version and then if it didn't work, it will be easier for resell in 6-12 months.


ps.. . this is the first time they've updated first grade in a major way since about 2005. and first time that revision meant student sheets didn't really match older stuff in a program. just fun trivia

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I'm on the fence personally. I have used and love the first, but I haven't seen the newer edition. I upgraded my K manual when that revision came out. I do intend to upgrade my first manual...though I sort of wish I could have both. LOL! Anyway, I'll look at the new at the convention, but I really have no doubt I'll end up upgrading. However, if you got a used version of the first edition, it would be fine too. Not in grid format though. (I like the format, personally. ;))


My son had a really bad attitude when I got phonics out and it took quite a while to do the lessons. What I finally found that really helped was doing the lessons on a whiteboard instead of in the book. I found that he handled seeing one word at a time better than a page of words to read. He did anything he had to write in his workbook, but anything that was just marking and reading on the whiteboard. Another thing was getting him involved. After he read the word, he could erase it. I also let him have his own board and he would color on his while I was writing the new word (not long). This was the only time he was allowed to play on the whiteboard which he LOVED. He rarely uses the whiteboard anymore. :D I don't know what it is about the whiteboard that worked, but it really helped a lot.

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Good idea about the whiteboard. My dd loves it!!


I wonder if MFW 1 will be too easy if she already knows phonics and writes well? How can you know where to place your child in a curriculum?



I'd call the MFW office and talk with them on placements if you think she'd be more ready for Adventures. But I think you'll be fine in 1st grade. I'm saying, from everything you shared about your child's reading..... mfw first grade will not be too easy for very long into the program. You don't have a fluent reader yet. She just turned 6. that's ok. How well does she write, by the way? Is she writing 3 sentence (or more) summaries of stories? sitting down happily for 15 minutes just writing and everyone thinks "awesome.. homeschooling works!" or what do you see that she is writing well? (not challenging you... asking so that we can give specific ideas for beefing up or saying, that's on target, you'll be fine)



Personally... she's a young 6, I would use the phonics as spelling lessons, and just require a bit more writing until you get to "new phonics". You said she's not at the end of 100EL.. so.. she might be a little bit ahead and, so instead of buying AAS, you know have a spelling program in the first grade MFW.


Use the book in the MFW deluxe called Honey for a Child's Heart to get more reading books for the child. Also, you said earlier in the thread that she has little confidence in reading. So... build the confidence and use 1st grade. She just turned six. MFW 1st grade will have phonics that you can use as spelling. In the first edition of MFW 1st, the spelling rules were similar to what you'd find in AAS level 1. so, it's covered. all you need to do if you want... get some letter tiles. But all of that segmenting and syllables that you start with in AAS 1... MFW does that too. The thing is... they didn't highlight and bold it as "when you do this, you are setting foundation not just for reading, but spelling". I don't know if MFW did that in revised. I've asked, and lo and behold the rep said "I'll send you a review copy and let you be the judge" LOL LOL. so I'm waiting on that review copy. I feel famous. giggle.. snort.. giggle..


anyway.. it was in first. and I begged of MFW over the years that when Marie updated it to do something like that. I wonder... ?? but seriously, in the phonics teaching notes in the manual, that stuff is there.


Very often young 6 y.o have some kind of advanced skill, but they are still not ready for a longer school day. You're not holding them back in my opinion if you do 1st grade with a 6 y.o . The memory work and character development is there. The science - you can have her write "lab write up" since she is advanced in writing. Vary the experiments. do them again. go watch more Magic School Bus.

Work on drawing skills more. Do the music in first grade. Enjoy some kind of art - just because I didn't like the pictures, doesn't mean your child will not (or you can sub and get Come Look with Me book... check their enrichment page for 1st grade)


Both my middle and youngest were already reading and it was good to use 1st grade with them at that age. I can understand the nerves when it's oldest child.. But going from 100EL to some review in different format can help review and build the confidence. You can use it for spelling. You got the memory work and copywork.


How to use Copywork for grammar and mechanics teaching. One thing that I will not know if MFW did this in revised or not until I get my review copy (giggle. can't believe they are doing that.) anyway... is how to use the Copywork with Proverbs verses as a tool for teaching grammar and mechanics. You can get FLL and WWE if you wish. Or, you can have a list of what is normal for first grade age children to start to learn for composition and grammar.

when they copy the verses in MFW, take the moment to study the verse. Teach upper case to start sentence. upper case for proper names. Quote. periods. question marks, comma usage... do those as they come up. I like how Andrew Pudewa says it "when they tell you, mom, I know that rule. then you know they learned it" (paraphrase of something he said once)


Then... when you do your Bible notebook - that is the time to teach composition. "mom.. I don't know what to write." So, you start with narration of the story. make sure they understood it. Then, you help them. Ok... you know the story... Tell me what happened again. as they tell you, you can write their words on dry erase board or paper.... let them copy their own words at first.... then, over time (and it will vary)... encourage them to write that first sentence without copying it.


in the mfw program, they do start with copying titles of stories as a way to begin a composition. slowly increase it over the year.


If you plan to start something new soon... yes.. the very beginning sections might be slow... so you can use it for spelling lessons, and phonics review and time to build the confidence in reading. Use the Honey for Child's Heart, to have library books to read to her, and find something that she can try to read. One thing that helped with fluency in all 3 of my children was to have book in front of them with audio of it and let them follow along. Some people might faint... I even let our fingers follow the words. shocking isn't it?



hope some of that helps

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I'd call the MFW office and talk with them on placements if you think she'd be more ready for Adventures. But I think you'll be fine in 1st grade. I'm saying, from everything you shared about your child's reading..... mfw first grade will not be too easy for very long into the program. You don't have a fluent reader yet. She just turned 6. that's ok. How well does she write, by the way? Is she writing 3 sentence (or more) summaries of stories? sitting down happily for 15 minutes just writing and everyone thinks "awesome.. homeschooling works!" or what do you see that she is writing well? (not challenging you... asking so that we can give specific ideas for beefing up or saying, that's on target, you'll be fine)



Personally... she's a young 6, I would use the phonics as spelling lessons, and just require a bit more writing until you get to "new phonics". You said she's not at the end of 100EL.. so.. she might be a little bit ahead and, so instead of buying AAS, you know have a spelling program in the first grade MFW.


Use the book in the MFW deluxe called Honey for a Child's Heart to get more reading books for the child. Also, you said earlier in the thread that she has little confidence in reading. So... build the confidence and use 1st grade. She just turned six. MFW 1st grade will have phonics that you can use as spelling. In the first edition of MFW 1st, the spelling rules were similar to what you'd find in AAS level 1. so, it's covered. all you need to do if you want... get some letter tiles. But all of that segmenting and syllables that you start with in AAS 1... MFW does that too. The thing is... they didn't highlight and bold it as "when you do this, you are setting foundation not just for reading, but spelling". I don't know if MFW did that in revised. I've asked, and lo and behold the rep said "I'll send you a review copy and let you be the judge" LOL LOL. so I'm waiting on that review copy. I feel famous. giggle.. snort.. giggle..


anyway.. it was in first. and I begged of MFW over the years that when Marie updated it to do something like that. I wonder... ?? but seriously, in the phonics teaching notes in the manual, that stuff is there.


Very often young 6 y.o have some kind of advanced skill, but they are still not ready for a longer school day. You're not holding them back in my opinion if you do 1st grade with a 6 y.o . The memory work and character development is there. The science - you can have her write "lab write up" since she is advanced in writing. Vary the experiments. do them again. go watch more Magic School Bus.

Work on drawing skills more. Do the music in first grade. Enjoy some kind of art - just because I didn't like the pictures, doesn't mean your child will not (or you can sub and get Come Look with Me book... check their enrichment page for 1st grade)


Both my middle and youngest were already reading and it was good to use 1st grade with them at that age. I can understand the nerves when it's oldest child.. But going from 100EL to some review in different format can help review and build the confidence. You can use it for spelling. You got the memory work and copywork.


How to use Copywork for grammar and mechanics teaching. One thing that I will not know if MFW did this in revised or not until I get my review copy (giggle. can't believe they are doing that.) anyway... is how to use the Copywork with Proverbs verses as a tool for teaching grammar and mechanics. You can get FLL and WWE if you wish. Or, you can have a list of what is normal for first grade age children to start to learn for composition and grammar.

when they copy the verses in MFW, take the moment to study the verse. Teach upper case to start sentence. upper case for proper names. Quote. periods. question marks, comma usage... do those as they come up. I like how Andrew Pudewa says it "when they tell you, mom, I know that rule. then you know they learned it" (paraphrase of something he said once)


Then... when you do your Bible notebook - that is the time to teach composition. "mom.. I don't know what to write." So, you start with narration of the story. make sure they understood it. Then, you help them. Ok... you know the story... Tell me what happened again. as they tell you, you can write their words on dry erase board or paper.... let them copy their own words at first.... then, over time (and it will vary)... encourage them to write that first sentence without copying it.


in the mfw program, they do start with copying titles of stories as a way to begin a composition. slowly increase it over the year.


If you plan to start something new soon... yes.. the very beginning sections might be slow... so you can use it for spelling lessons, and phonics review and time to build the confidence in reading. Use the Honey for Child's Heart, to have library books to read to her, and find something that she can try to read. One thing that helped with fluency in all 3 of my children was to have book in front of them with audio of it and let them follow along. Some people might faint... I even let our fingers follow the words. shocking isn't it?



hope some of that helps



Very good!! This is so helpful! I ordered MFW 1st. I think adventures would definitely be too advanced. I looked up blogs last nit and it looks so fun! She definitely needs confidence.


She is almost dine with Rhe Reading lesson (like 100 ex lessons). We have about one week left and she hates it.


She can definitely write one sentence happily on her own but would get frustrated with more. She's smart and things have always come easily for her so frustration comes quickly with harder things. I think that's a maturity and character issue that we will continue to work on!


I cannot wait to get the program! I'm going to stop what were doing and start our 1st grade year in mid April. It gets so hot here, so we never go outside in the summer. It will be nice to have our longer breaks in fall and seeing when we have mild weather.


Thank you so much for the advice and I cannot wait to try it out soon!!

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I'm also wondering about MFW 1st. I was wondering if it would overkill if we used FLL and WWE while doing MFW 1st. I also already bought a math curriculum for next year. I also already bought ETC books and Hooked on Phonics for next year. I was actually going to work on the phonics and math over the summer. I'm stressing out way too much about whether to use MFW next year or not. I have regrets about not using MFW K this year. I had these grand plans for this year, and this year was kind of a flop. She's kind of reading and she's doing great in math, but we haven't done many fun activities. I haven't done anything from FIAR b/c I need things to be planned out for me. So I'm worried that I will regret not doing MFW 1st this time next year.

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I'm also wondering about MFW 1st. I was wondering if it would overkill if we used FLL and WWE while doing MFW 1st. I also already bought a math curriculum for next year. I also already bought ETC books and Hooked on Phonics for next year. I was actually going to work on the phonics and math over the summer. I'm stressing out way too much about whether to use MFW next year or not. I have regrets about not using MFW K this year. I had these grand plans for this year, and this year was kind of a flop. She's kind of reading and she's doing great in math, but we haven't done many fun activities. I haven't done anything from FIAR b/c I need things to be planned out for me. So I'm worried that I will regret not doing MFW 1st this time next year.

I feel the same way. This year was also a flop. I ordered MFW last night!! I will add FLL, WWE, and continue with Singapore 1A along with MFW1.

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Very good!! This is so helpful! I ordered MFW 1st. I think adventures would definitely be too advanced. I looked up blogs last nit and it looks so fun! She definitely needs confidence.


She is almost dine with Rhe Reading lesson (like 100 ex lessons). We have about one week left and she hates it.


She can definitely write one sentence happily on her own but would get frustrated with more. She's smart and things have always come easily for her so frustration comes quickly with harder things. I think that's a maturity and character issue that we will continue to work on!


I cannot wait to get the program! I'm going to stop what were doing and start our 1st grade year in mid April. It gets so hot here, so we never go outside in the summer. It will be nice to have our longer breaks in fall and seeing when we have mild weather.


Thank you so much for the advice and I cannot wait to try it out soon!!


Yay!! I agree that the frustration very well may be a maturity issue. My son was just a couple months from turning 7 when we started 1st. He has matured a lot. Your daughter sounds a lot like him. I bet you will see some major progress and growth, both in character and academics with MFW 1. You are really going to enjoy the study of Proverbs. My son has really taken it to heart. Enjoy!


I'm also wondering about MFW 1st. I was wondering if it would overkill if we used FLL and WWE while doing MFW 1st. I also already bought a math curriculum for next year. I also already bought ETC books and Hooked on Phonics for next year. I was actually going to work on the phonics and math over the summer. I'm stressing out way too much about whether to use MFW next year or not. I have regrets about not using MFW K this year. I had these grand plans for this year, and this year was kind of a flop. She's kind of reading and she's doing great in math, but we haven't done many fun activities. I haven't done anything from FIAR b/c I need things to be planned out for me. So I'm worried that I will regret not doing MFW 1st this time next year.


I don't think you need FLL or WWE, especially WWE, but I don't think it would be overkill either depending on your child. As I said above, my son is an older 1st grader. He has an Oct b-day. He turned 7 only a couple months after we started 1st. When we first started the program, it would have been too much to add anything else in. But, by about halfway through, he could have added FLL and been just fine. We are adding it in around day 125 (for testing reasons, not because I really think we need it). I don't know everything that is included with WWE. That could be overkill because the student is writing summaries of stories and giving narrations. But, I'm not sure since I've never seen the program.


I use a different math than MFW math. So, I don't think don't that's a big deal and it's easy to sub out.


The phonics/LA is very integrated. If you are going to use a different phonics, I probably would not do MFW 1st.


If you are just adding one or 2 things and subbing the math, it would definitely still be worth it to me because you would still be using and getting the "meat" of the program. But, if you are going to sub out the phonics and math and add several other things, I wouldn't get it. However, if you are going to regret it....definitely get it. :D


Hope that helps!

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Yay!! I agree that the frustration very well may be a maturity issue. My son was just a couple months from turning 7 when we started 1st. He has matured a lot. Your daughter sounds a lot like him. I bet you will see some major progress and growth, both in character and academics with MFW 1. You are really going to enjoy the study of Proverbs. My son has really taken it to heart. Enjoy!




I don't think you need FLL or WWE, especially WWE, but I don't think it would be overkill either depending on your child. As I said above, my son is an older 1st grader. He has an Oct b-day. He turned 7 only a couple months after we started 1st. When we first started the program, it would have been too much to add anything else in. But, by about halfway through, he could have added FLL and been just fine. We are adding it in around day 125 (for testing reasons, not because I really think we need it). I don't know everything that is included with WWE. That could be overkill because the student is writing summaries of stories and giving narrations. But, I'm not sure since I've never seen the program.


I use a different math than MFW math. So, I don't think don't that's a big deal and it's easy to sub out.


The phonics/LA is very integrated. If you are going to use a different phonics, I probably would not do MFW 1st.


If you are just adding one or 2 things and subbing the math, it would definitely still be worth it to me because you would still be using and getting the "meat" of the program. But, if you are going to sub out the phonics and math and add several other things, I wouldn't get it. However, if you are going to regret it....definitely get it. :D


Hope that helps!


I agree! We aren't adding in FLL and WWE right away...just if she needs it. I found them both super cheap used. Like less than $15 for both so I bought them!!

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suggestion for those subbing with other math programs....I think the games and activities for math in 1st grade mfw can be nice to do as supplemental fun in your other program. those are the ones listed in the manual... not talking about the supplemental workbook (although that has activities too). but the book list for library books on math topics, and the games to do at home... when you come to a topic in the other math you're using... look in the mfw math topics for which game from the manual is a good teaching tool for that topic and enjoy those games at this age. good stuff...

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I preordered MFW 1st and received it last week. I flipped through the materials and I was surprised to see that the deluxe set doesn't include any read-a-louds. We are currently finished MFW Adventures (deluxe) and MFW K (not deluxe) so I just assumed the deluxe MFW 1st would include some read a louds too. Anyways, I plan to add Horizons Math to MFW 1st, we also did Horizons K this year. And we will probably continue with Explode the Code books, because I feel they are a great resource to easily review phonics rules in a fun way (my kids LOVE Explode the Code).

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suggestion for those subbing with other math programs....I think the games and activities for math in 1st grade mfw can be nice to do as supplemental fun in your other program. those are the ones listed in the manual... not talking about the supplemental workbook (although that has activities too). but the book list for library books on math topics, and the games to do at home... when you come to a topic in the other math you're using... look in the mfw math topics for which game from the manual is a good teaching tool for that topic and enjoy those games at this age. good stuff...



Oh yes!! I loved the math games in the sample!! We are definitely doing those along with Singapore. And I ordered CBM bc my dd loves math.

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I preordered MFW 1st and received it last week. I flipped through the materials and I was surprised to see that the deluxe set doesn't include any read-a-louds. We are currently finished MFW Adventures (deluxe) and MFW K (not deluxe) so I just assumed the deluxe MFW 1st would include some read a louds too. Anyways, I plan to add Horizons Math to MFW 1st, we also did Horizons K this year. And we will probably continue with Explode the Code books, because I feel they are a great resource to easily review phonics rules in a fun way (my kids LOVE Explode the Code).



While there aren't packaged read alouds.... the deluxe does still include Honey For a Child's Heart. That book is designed for parents to use as a library guide for read alouds that are a wide variety of genres to meet a wide variety of needs. They don't schedule specific titles from that book in order to give you flexibility. If I recall, the rep at our sales event said that on the grid where it is called "reading review" that is a time to remember to "read aloud for 15 minutes a day", among other goals. (edit to correct: the reading review on the grid has nothing to do with the Honey for a Child's Heart. )


Also, another source of read alouds is in the manual itself in the back. You'll see a list of "science and math" read alouds that go with science and math topics for each week.


As you continue in MFW sequence (with ADV and anything in Investigate cycle)... that style of "weekly coordinated topics with books" becomes MFW's BookBasket. In first grade, since some students are not yet reading on their own... parents will use the list for "read aloud"


But, at this level, it's about library use to keep costs under control.


(edit to add: in ADV and the other years.... read alouds are easier to coordinate to history lessons. in first..... little harder to have it connected to grammar stage ancient history, so they go with classics in young literature)

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suggestion for those subbing with other math programs....I think the games and activities for math in 1st grade mfw can be nice to do as supplemental fun in your other program. those are the ones listed in the manual... not talking about the supplemental workbook (although that has activities too). but the book list for library books on math topics, and the games to do at home... when you come to a topic in the other math you're using... look in the mfw math topics for which game from the manual is a good teaching tool for that topic and enjoy those games at this age. good stuff...


We do this, not all the time, but we have definitely used some of their suggestions and I really like the Complete Book of Math. (My son does too.) We've used it to supplement many times. :)


I preordered MFW 1st and received it last week. I flipped through the materials and I was surprised to see that the deluxe set doesn't include any read-a-louds. We are currently finished MFW Adventures (deluxe) and MFW K (not deluxe) so I just assumed the deluxe MFW 1st would include some read a louds too. Anyways, I plan to add Horizons Math to MFW 1st, we also did Horizons K this year. And we will probably continue with Explode the Code books, because I feel they are a great resource to easily review phonics rules in a fun way (my kids LOVE Explode the Code).



Have you looked at the book Honey for a Child's Heart? In the back there are reading lists by age. I've used it and we enjoyed the books on it. :)


ETA - I walked away from my computer for a minute and I see Crystal posted about the above book. Oops! Silly kids...don't they know they are interrupting my play time. ;)

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As far as the speed goes...does it move quickly through phonics? My dd is halfway through aas1 and dong well but she has no confidence to read. I know she can but I want a program that will encourage her to love to read...and all in one program (I'll continue with Singapore 1a--were doing that now). She likes to write, too.


I was thinking about MFW 1 with FLL1, WWE1, AAS1-2, and singapore 1A. We'd start MFW1 now instead of waiting until fall. My dd just turned 6.


We are using what you are planning minus AAS1-2 and subbing in http://allinonehomeschool.com/


That combo seems to be increasing reading confidence. I am using it right now with dd6 and ds8 (needed to restart reading due to lack of confidence so I added him in with dd6) Its working :)

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Anyone every used MFW 1st with both a "first grader" and a "kindergartner"? My 5 year old has easily completed all of the MFW K work this year. I would prefer just to move on and combine them both for MFW 1st too, instead of repeating MFW K again. The 5 year old can sound out most 3 letter words, but not fluently reading.

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We are using what you are planning minus AAS1-2 and subbing in http://allinonehomeschool.com/


That combo seems to be increasing reading confidence. I am using it right now with dd6 and ds8 (needed to restart reading due to lack of confidence so I added him in with dd6) Its working :)



Which level are you using on allinonehomeschool.com? My dd definitely would not be ready for grade 1.

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Anyone every used MFW 1st with both a "first grader" and a "kindergartner"? My 5 year old has easily completed all of the MFW K work this year. I would prefer just to move on and combine them both for MFW 1st too, instead of repeating MFW K again. The 5 year old can sound out most 3 letter words, but not fluently reading.




I don't have them that close.. there is a sticky thread on mfw's board about how to teach those two programs together. maybe some ideas in there would spark a plan


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Which level are you using on allinonehomeschool.com? My dd definitely would not be ready for grade 1.


Click "Getting Ready 1" ....think that's what it says. If your dd doesn't know letter sounds, start at Day 1. Super easy and quick to do. :) I was already working thru MFW1st when I found it, so we started on third option like Day 172.

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Click "Getting Ready 1" ....think that's what it says. If your dd doesn't know letter sounds, start at Day 1. Super easy and quick to do. :) I was already working thru MFW1st when I found it, so we started on third option like Day 172.

I thought you meant you started with Grade 1. :)


That is an amazing website! I cannot believe how much work she has put into planning lessons!!



I ordered MFW 1 last night and it's already on it's way!! It is scheduled to arrive Tuesday!! YAY! I cannot wait! I have been browsing blogs that feature MFW 1st grade (I just googled MFW 1st grade blog) and I LOVE what they are doing!

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I thought you meant you started with Grade 1. :)


That is an amazing website! I cannot believe how much work she has put into planning lessons!!



I ordered MFW 1 last night and it's already on it's way!! It is scheduled to arrive Tuesday!! YAY! I cannot wait! I have been browsing blogs that feature MFW 1st grade (I just googled MFW 1st grade blog) and I LOVE what they are doing!


Its a great site! I am using it for all of my kids. Once babies coming in July...it may be all we do for a while. :)

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I just checked out the link above...I've seen that site before and have it bookmarked. It's really awesome! I've thought about using her computer curriculum and possibly her PE/health. She's really done a LOT of work!


ETA - I'll still stick with my beloved MFW curriculum. ;)

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Anyone every used MFW 1st with both a "first grader" and a "kindergartner"? My 5 year old has easily completed all of the MFW K work this year. I would prefer just to move on and combine them both for MFW 1st too, instead of repeating MFW K again. The 5 year old can sound out most 3 letter words, but not fluently reading.


I would wait and let the k'er do their own language and math program or get the students sheets and teacher's manuel for mfw k only and then let the k'er join their older sibling for the everything but language and math in mfw1st (maybe some fun math games). If you get mfw k, you could do Bible, Math and Language and then if you have extra time add in any of the activities and read alouds you like. Your first grader will probably enjoy them, too.


We are going to be starting mfw1st this upcoming year and did mfw k. We loved mfw k and are really looking foreward to mfw 1st. I told my daughter she'll learn to read her own Bible herself and she is just thrilled!


The reason I would go with K for your younger child is because the phonics program covers all phonics instruction in one year (basically 1st & 2nd grade phonics) and moves pretty fast, and you say that your rising k'er is not a a fluent reader yet, so I think mfw k would be a good way to build your child up. Also, it's just so age appropriate and a sweet program. There are also suggestions in the teachers manuel and message board to make mfw k more challenging for an advanced k'er. You should also look at the guidelines for is your child ready for 1st for your kindergartner.






Glad you decided to mfw1st. There are a couple of us on here so when we get social groups back we can do one for mfw1st users :)

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I have another question. If we just do the lang. arts that's in MFW 1st, would we be able to move to FFL 2 and WWE 2 in 2nd grade? I guess we could also run through FFL 1 and WWE 1 over the summer between first and 2nd, since I'm all about year round schooling. It could be like review! Does that sound like a plan? And I wonder if I should hold onto the ETC books and Hooked on Phonics books that I got, as extra practice. I only paid $20 for all of them, so it's not like I'd be out of much money. I bought the el cheapo ($8) HOP package b/c I just wanted the readers. Looking at the weekly schedule for MFW 1st, I think we'll move faster with their phonics than if we were to use ETC and HOP.

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Good questions. :)


Students who do MFW sequence go from first grade into Primary Language Lessons at 2nd grade level, so they should be able to be ready for FLL as well. Before SWB wrote FLL, she use to recommend PLL. long time ago... (PLL doesn't focus on definitions of parts of speech the way FLL does. but they are similar in many other ways... so the point is I think you'd be ready.) After doing the MFW notebooking for composition skills, youĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ll probably be ready for appropriate level of WWE for more instruction. Keep the other things you already have and see how it goes. You didnĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t pay a lot. You want them as readers. YouĂ¢â‚¬â„¢re good to go.


Here are the components in all of the language arts things in MFW that I remember and/or know of.


Memory Work



Dictation (both copywork and dictation cover grammar and mechanics in less formal ways that FLL covers it)


Vocab, parts of book, antonyms, alphabetical order, fact/opinion. Story sequence, comprehension and questions

Picture Study (exploring art, or use the books in enrichment called Come Look With Me)

Composition Ă¢â‚¬â€œ


Things from MFW that include the materials for that? The manual. The bible reader, notebook, student pages and workbook.



and before anyone asks.. yes, I changed my display name back to cbollin. I quit my job with the group exercise industry, so time to stop being jazzermom and just be me again :) but I'm sure Heather and others are wondering. LOL LOL>....

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Good questions. :)


Students who do MFW sequence go from first grade into Primary Language Lessons at 2nd grade level, so they should be able to be ready for FLL as well. Before SWB wrote FLL, she use to recommend PLL. long time ago... (PLL doesn't focus on definitions of parts of speech the way FLL does. but they are similar in many other ways... so the point is I think you'd be ready.) After doing the MFW notebooking for composition skills, youĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ll probably be ready for appropriate level of WWE for more instruction. Keep the other things you already have and see how it goes. You didnĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t pay a lot. You want them as readers. YouĂ¢â‚¬â„¢re good to go.


Here are the components in all of the language arts things in MFW that I remember and/or know of.


Memory Work



Dictation (both copywork and dictation cover grammar and mechanics in less formal ways that FLL covers it)


Vocab, parts of book, antonyms, alphabetical order, fact/opinion. Story sequence, comprehension and questions

Picture Study (exploring art, or use the books in enrichment called Come Look With Me)

Composition Ă¢â‚¬â€œ


Things from MFW that include the materials for that? The manual. The bible reader, notebook, student pages and workbook.



and before anyone asks.. yes, I changed my display name back to cbollin. I quit my job with the group exercise industry, so time to stop being jazzermom and just be me again :) but I'm sure Heather and others are wondering. LOL LOL>....


I was wondering this as well maybe just use FLL1 and WWE 1 in the summer after first and that would be ok? I already have FLL 1 and WWE 1 and ETC 123 so would there really be any need for these things? Thanks

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I really think you wouldn't even have to do FLL1. You could jump right into FLL 2. I have FLL1, just got it. My son is at or beyond it. He doesn't know what a noun is, but that comes easily and is taught again in FLL2. FLL 1 gives 3 levels of copy work. He will easily be able to copy the longest version of the sentence. He will have no issue memorizing the poems. FLL1 isn't going to be a challenge for him. He isn't even technically done with 1st, just almost. I don't have WWE1. I just picked up a copy of the text from my library tonight. So, I haven't really read it yet, just flipped through....I just flipped through more. It looks he is going to be more than ready for WWE1 (assuming it is laid our like described in the text) also and would be easily working at the highest level. (I haven't decided to add it. I just got the book to read and help me understand the process of learning to write....but we might use it.) So, in my assessment, after MFW 1st, they could go straight into FLL2 and WWE2. :)


Crystal - yes, I was wondering about your UN. I saw it in a different thread first. Thanks for indulging inquiring minds. I'm sure it will be nice to have the extra time not working...I'm sure you find something to fill the time with. ;)

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I was wondering this as well maybe just use FLL1 and WWE 1 in the summer after first and that would be ok? I already have FLL 1 and WWE 1 and ETC 123 so would there really be any need for these things? Thanks



agreeing with Heather.


I remember when my children who used MFW K and 1st were these ages and I still kept around all of the learning to read stuff that my oldest had used. My plan was to "use the other stuff if needed" or for review, or just to feel like since I had it well may as well use it and wait to sell. I found that I was very selective in the little bit of extra that I used. I even grabbed copy of FLL from library and thought "oh.. just to make sure".. well.. middle gal never really needed FLL 1 after finishing mfw 1st and starting PLL. more wasn't always better. I'm not in the philosophy of education that work with parts of speech definitions too early (I'm more on CM than SWB side on it). So even then, I didn't worry about those kinds of lessons in FLL in 1st grade.

if you see that WWE has teacher helps for you to teach composition, keep it around for you.

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