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Slept on my shoulder wrong-PAIN! Help!


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I spent Fri night at a hotel and woke up with extreme shoulder pain and wasn't able to move it. It throbbed and hurt all day, especially when I lifted it. Each day it has gotten only slightly better, but the minute I move it the wrong way, it screams with pain. By midday I am exhausted and nauscious.

What the heck?!

Does this just take a while to heal? It sure makes me want to start exercising more!

Any advice? I don't want to go to the doctor, as I can feel it healing a little each day and I'm sure it just needs time. Do I keep taking Advil in the meantime?

I'm only 32!!!

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Chriopractor. This happened to me and after a year when it got so bad I couldn't use my arm I finally went to see one. Long story short, my spine was severely rotated and after only 3 weeks (7 adjustments) I have more use of my arm than I've had in over a year.


I was told to put ice on my shoulder to help the inflammation. I tried it and it definitely helped.

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Google rotator cuff injuries and see if it describes what you are feeling. Apparently, "older" women can get this from sleeping wrong, in addition to the usual culprits, and even older people can get it for no reason at all!


Physical therapy is usually recommended, if it is a rotator cuff, and there are tons of the exercises online.

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This JUST happened to me on Friday. It hurt all day - then it was worse on Saturday. I couldn't lift it or even use the steering wheel with that arm. It hurt even resting at my side. It was so painful I was in tears and nauseous, too. I could only sit on the couch with it propped up in a somewhat comfortable position and not move. Massaging it helped a bit, but not much. Ibuprofen (3-4 of them at a time, every 5 hours or so) was the only thing that alleviated most of the pain. On Sunday it was at least 50% better and even better by Monday. It is just about 100% better today (Wednesday).


I know it was from sleeping on it wrong. Yours should probably disappear in a few days as well. If not, then it could be something else, but i don't think it is.

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