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Chronic illness MOms- what do you do when in pain and ...


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you have taken all the pain pills you should take and you still have lots of pain? What things help distract you from the pain? I know that watching murder mysteries does helps for me but I don't want to do that now without my family, who usually watches with me and I really don't want to keep sitting at this computer desk where I would watch Netflix if I am watching by myself since I am uncomfortable here. I just put a heat pack on one of my hands. Now I have to do the neck and shoulder one and the lower back one. That will still leave my aching elbows, other hand, parts of the first hand, knees, toes, and ankles in pain. I think I will make some double hot chocolate and get in my reclining chair and watch some of my recorded programs. They aren't as compelling as a murder mystery but should help.

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Lately I've been retreating into a deep hot bath if dh is home to watch the kids. (Mine are too young to be left unattended.)


Other than that, I've been rewatching Caprica and Battlestar Galactica and Alias. I hook my laptop up to the tv via a cable or just watch from my laptop or iphone.


I also will sometimes do something mindless like pre-read school books or transcribe stuff from familysearch.org indexing.

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I used to play games - mindless puzzle games on the computer, ipad or iphone. Not sure you can do that, as it sounds like your pain is in your wrists as well. Audiobooks in the dark. Absorbing TV/Movies. DH helps me with guided mediations, too (or used to do so, now I have them down pat).


Hoping you feel better soon!

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