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Singapore lessons written by other companies?


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I know MFW writes/sells lessons plans to accompany Singapore US ed. (lessons + answer key).

IIRC, HOD does as well?

There may be others....


I'm wondering what people think of these lessons written by homeschool companies? (Truth be told, I'm tempted by the MFW set, even though they use US ed. and we've been using Standards...)

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I use MFW and Singapore...I've never seen their plans. I got my Singapore used, not from MFW. I didn't even realize they had their own. LOL! However, my understanding is that it isn't actually a guide but more of a schedule and also has the answer key. Maybe Crystal will chime in because I know she's seen the ones MFW writes. I'm hoping to see one at the convention. If not, I'll probably just get one with my next set of Singapore books. They are cheap enough that if I don't use them, I'll be okay with it. However, I don't think it will replace a HIG, at least from what I've seen. I'll get both.

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I'm not sure I have much to say. When I bought Singapore from MFW it was back in the old days.. when the lesson plan was just checklist of do these pages today... A few years ago, they revised the plans to be daily schedule, plus answer key, plus in select "tougher" problems to have a solution shown. They still have some reminders when to do some stuff (certain key words, number bonds). I've never sat down with the revised mfw plans for singapore to know how extensive it is. I had already bought what I needed when they made the switch and never thought about when at a booth when my city still had a convention.... last week mfw was in town for one of their exclusive sales displays. I glanced at the plans and noticed it was different from what I used. but it was a very rushed day and I didn't get to browse for long.... it was on my list of things to look at, but it just didn't really happen. sniff...


I've used HIG for 6A and 6B but it was best used as solutions manual for a few select problems. I tried to over teach from HIG and just sat it down. I got a quick tutorial about bar diagrams from Julie in MN when I started using singapore with oldest in 4B/5A level. and then HIG just wasn't as needed for me. others enjoy the use of them.


I'm sorry I don't have more details.

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