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Anyone use free weights/strength training at home?


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I have a set of free weights. I have no idea how to use them properly. Can someone recommend a youtube video, or DVD that will show you how to use them, and how to work out your entire body? I am already doing cardio. But now I need to tone. (I don't like the exercise ball). Thanks!

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I use my free weights while doing Leslie Samsone's Walk away the Pounds DVD- 5miles.


On the 3rd mile I just incorporate them (except during the "boost"), and also the first half of the 5th mile (except duringt the "boost" time)

Makes the workout do alot more just adding the hand weights.

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I have a set of free weights. I have no idea how to use them properly. Can someone recommend a youtube video, or DVD that will show you how to use them, and how to work out your entire body? I am already doing cardio. But now I need to tone. (I don't like the exercise ball). Thanks!

Bodybuilding.com has demo videos, though they're more gym-centric. Fitnessblender.com has a number of strength workouts with body weight and dumbbell exercises.

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you can google and get a lot of videos about using weights. Self.com used to have a bunch of them. My dh just brought home a book 'for dummies' to get some pointers on form. Then he watched videos by the author he found on you tube. But you can find tons online. We use weights and rotate through different workouts in the year. And we read about new routines in books. And watch videos online. :-D

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Lift Like a Mon, Look Like a Goddess.



I HIGHLY recommend this book. It has great chapters on protein, etc. too. I have used it for over a year - it is the main reason I have dropped almost 40 lbs and gained strength. I am 53 years old -I do go easy on some lifts.


http://www.amazon.co...ds=free weights


I have gotten extra 1 and 2 and 5 lb weights at Walmart and Amazon (prime shipping) and local used sporting good store.


http://www.amazon.co...excersize bands


I got a long metal pole ( http://www.amazon.co...g_8����although I found one for $5 used) and some weights for dead lifts etc. at a local used sporting goods store - I didn't go for the wider diameter Olympic weights, but the smaller diameter set. which also works with the Cap Barbell dumbbell set above. The exercise bands are great - I have a couple strong hooks in an overhead beam in the basement - sitting underneath I can use the bands to do pull down exercises from the book above. I can loop the bands around the base of my oak dining room table, brace my feet against the second base (ok - it is a big table!) and pull for another exercise. The bands also come with a strap you can shut in a doorway and loop the bands through for pulling exercises. You can replicate a LOT of gym equipment this way!


http://www.amazon.co...=step platforms


I got this, too - I like that it is cheap, sturdy - and I can alter the height, depending on the exercise. It gets used not only for stepping up and down while carrying weights, but also various lunges and even a dead weight or two use it (at lower heights). Highly recommended.


A sturdy exercise ball, large as possible, is useful, too.


And a decent mat.


http://www.amazon.co...ench adjustable

I got one of these, too.


It adds up - but you can find a lot of stuff used or on sale - and in the long run it last forever (well, maybe not the ball if you pop it - oops) and is cheaper than a gym membership.


I am up to dead lifting half my weight (not pushing myself due to age) and over head barbell lifts are 18 lbs per hand. If I am laying on the bench on my back I can lift 24 lbs per hand straight up.


I started out barely able to lift a lot less!


I beat my kid sister at arm wrestling a few months back - she was amazed and alarmed (she has always been the "strong" one!) :-)



I do strength training M/W/F. Other days I do ExerBeat on the Wii (boxercising) for cario and 'cause it is fun. The Wii guy is so encouraging "Great Job! " etc. etc.


Oh - I recommend, too, looking for You Tube for videos of how to do any exercise before starting - very helpful to make sure you don't hurt yourself.

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This is something I really need to get working on. Since losing some weight, I got that flab going on. Especially around the middle. Typical place for most of us I am sure. Do any of you think it is beneficial to just spend the money and go to a gym? I keep going around and around about this. The issue is time. Money. Gas. Commitment. But, the gyms have all the equipment. But I have been doing Zumba here in my own home which has been good. But the rest(as in the free weights and such) not sure about. I am going to check out all the links you ladies left me. Thanks!

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