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We've integrated Sonlight into our homeschooling over the past few years. While I love the literature I feel that my kids would probably enjoy more hands-on activities and I don't want to have to keep searching for that. Daughter will be a freshman next year and son fourth grade, unless we find a gifted program that suits him better.


Anyway, looked into MFW (My Fathers World) and MoH (Mystery of History). I think MFW looks more like what I'm looking for but with the schedule formatting I'm used to.


Have any of you switched from SL to MFW or MOH? Why?

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I've used MFW for high school, but I didn't switch from SL. used mfw all along. I like that it's 3 courses in one, and I like the integrated feeling with that. Not sure at high school level the hands on is there (timeline and a few things here and there, but not at all like in younger years.... they don't have time on that, I guess?) my oldest academic nerd is still very nerdy from using mfw. she loves to read and there's plenty of that. I like that this year, US1, 11th grade... that I'm a little more involved that previous years with bible/worldview and discussion times on stuff, but still have time for other kids.


but we didn't switch from sl, so I don't know what that's like.

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We used Sonlight in 3rd - 5th grades, then I used the History Odyssey from Pandia Press for middle school, then Notgrass for 9th grade. This year we are using MFW World History and we love it!


So, with this in mind, these are the differences that make MFW a much better fit for us:


MFW: Reading is at or slightly above grade level

SL: Reading was at or below grade level, sometimes far below grade level

MFW: integrates history, literature and Bible

SL: schedules these subjects, but doesn't integrate them

MFW: High quality, enjoyable books are assigned in all areas, including original documents

SL: Entertaining books are assigned, many of them high quality, but a large part of the history reading is historical fiction

MFW: The Bible assignments are Christian discipleship assignments, very meaty with lots of room for discussion, personal Christian growth

SL: Bible is an afterthought, no firm stand on Christianity

MFW: Great maps and timeline (at least in WHL)

SL: I remember maps & timeline, but always thought that they were a bit light


I spent a long time at the MFW booth at convention last year & I looked over the progression of their entire program and I was very impressed with it. They had a lot of hands on activities for the younger years and the progression of the high school program is very well thought out. The younger years also do a great job of integrating music and art into the curriculum, something Sonlight doesn't do at all.


I did enjoy SL when we used it, but there were several things about the way the program was designed that I knew wouldn't fit long term for my family. I do know that they have changed some of these things, but I don't know the details, so your experience could be different.


Several years back I looked at MOH and discounted it pretty quickly when I found two lessons that contained extra-biblical teaching as fact, and it detracted from the actual significance & meaning of the passage. I haven't looked at it since then.



I wish I'd found MFW years ago!

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TechWife, thank you for your clear cut analysis! :)

The only thing I will disagree with you on is I've never considered the Bible to be

'an afterthought' with Sonlight. With AO's Lifepac's, yes, but not with Sonlight.

But that's not the main issue here. What's the main issue is I realize I want something

other than Sonlight (although I love all their books!) and I'm trying to figure out what will be the best fit!


If we chose to go with MFW, I'm thinking of having my son

(who will be in fourth grade, technically) do Creation to the Greeks

while my daughter is doing Ancient History and Literature. Do you think

that's too much to expect from ME?

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I think you'll do fine with AHL and CTG. Here are some tips from me:


1. because the high school years are designed to be more student do on their own, I'd recommend following MFW's advice to start your high schooler at least a week ahead of younger students. Plan to work that first week helping your high schooler learn how to work from grid and do stuff. The first week.... they are writing their first argumentative essay -- the instructions are taught that week and it's a practice, but graded essay. and go through the lesson planner together with the notes on timeline and copies and maps...


2. be available for your high schooler to come at certain points in the day with questions. Don't wait just to bundle it up at the weekly conference.


3. use answer keys so it's less work on you.


4. I'd recommend you (or hubby) do Bible together in AHL... in other words.. there's a parent page for the chronological Bible readings.. I was glad that for most of the year I did that as my quiet time. made it a lot of fun and bonding time for oldest and I to do that together.


5. CTG might seem light because often Bible and history are "same", and my library was short on book basket for CTG. I was happy it was that way as it gave me more time on language arts and math. and to design free reading around their interest instead of just history.


when you get to week 15 in CTG and do the tabernacle project..... ask your high schooler to join in on that and bring her pamphlet from AHL.

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Thank you, Crystal! That was very informative! I'm still undecided but am leaning towards MFW. I like the fact that it lays out for me how many credits my high schooler will get from it!

I'd like to get my hands on a copy to peruse BEFORE the June AFHE Convention, though. Maybe I'll post on facebook and see if anyone in Phoenix has one I can look at!

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I suggest you look at Illuminations by Bright Ideas Press. They use MOH, have a schedule like MFW, and you can be on the same history schedule with both of your children. You may review the program here.


I used the language arts portion of Illuminations year 2 (it was the launch year of the program and the history was not yet challenging for high school) and then moved on to years 3 and 4 of MFW.




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Cheryl, thank you. I went to the site and tried to download the sample but could not do so on my iPad. From what I see so far, Illuminations is a download? I really don't want to have to use the computer more than I already do. If I'm hearing you right, you didn't use MFW for the first two years because it wasn't challenging enough at the time? How long ago was that?

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Cheryl, thank you. I went to the site and tried to download the sample but could not do so on my iPad. From what I see so far, Illuminations is a download? I really don't want to have to use the computer more than I already do. If I'm hearing you right, you didn't use MFW for the first two years because it wasn't challenging enough at the time? How long ago was that?


I'm not Cheryl, so this is mostly bumping up....


I wasn't sure what she meant either. nervous laughter... " used the language arts portion of Illuminations year 2 (it was the launch year of the program and the history was not yet challenging for high school) and then moved on to years 3 and 4 of MFW."



When I first read it, I thought she meant it was the launch year of the Illuminations year 2 and she only used the language arts portion of Illumination.(which is MOH).. But perhaps she was talking that she was considering being a pilot family for MFW and didn't want to?


hope cheryl sees your question.. :)

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Cheryl, thank you. I went to the site and tried to download the sample but could not do so on my iPad. From what I see so far, Illuminations is a download? I really don't want to have to use the computer more than I already do. If I'm hearing you right, you didn't use MFW for the first two years because it wasn't challenging enough at the time? How long ago was that?



MOH was not challenging enough for my son. I feel it is written at a middle school level. Illuminations has added material to beef up the high school curriculum since the year that I looked at it. I was impressed with the high school literature guides so I used those. I also liked the list of documentaries that you could get through netflix. They previewed all the videos and scheduled them with their history. The curriculum is a download but you will not be "using" the computer for the curriculum. You can print the schedule and the literature guides. One nice feature of the program is that you may also edit the schedule to your liking, save it and print it out.


I did not go with MFW the first two years because it did not fit our history schedule. DS had to finish out our history cycle freshman year with a year of 20th century history. For sophomore year I gave him the choice of studying either ancients or medeival/ren/ref and he chose the latter.




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If you have more than 1 child, want to keep them all on the same history rotation, and like MOH, you may want to take a look at BiblioPlan. They have MOH scheduled in, as well as optional history spines for HS. They have their own "spine", their Companion, which you read to the youngers in chunks and the Jr/Sr HS kids read solo. Well worth a look. We have used it for one daughter in 7th/8th, while elders were using MFW. They each have their strengths. We have enjoyed and recommend both.


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  • 4 months later...

We are in our first week of school now and using TruthQuest History for history. I really like it BUT I have also come to the conclusion that for an entire curriculum

I REALLY need my dd to be as independent as possible in her studies with me not having to plan it out. Thus, I am looking at MFW again for HER.

If any of you are prayer warriors, please pray for us in this!

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We are in our first week of school now and using TruthQuest History for history. I really like it BUT I have also come to the conclusion that for an entire curriculum

I REALLY need my dd to be as independent as possible in her studies with me not having to plan it out. Thus, I am looking at MFW again for HER.

If any of you are prayer warriors, please pray for us in this!


praying for it to be clear for you what direction to go.

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  • 5 months later...

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