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I hate skunks.....

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Try having your dog go out his doggie door in the middle of the night, get sprayed, come back in and jump in bed with you. Talk about waking up fast (and very confused)! I know EXACTLY what you mean about being able to taste it. Horrible, horrible stuff! The dog smelled like skunk every time he got wet for a good month. I'm sorry for you.

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That is one good thing about living in Hawaii... no skunks! My sister had a dog who would seek out places where skunks had sprayed and roll in the stink! Ugh! We got really good at using douche and tomato juice on that dog, but I think the clerks at the grocery store thought we had a weird fettish!;)

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I'm so sorry! We have a skunk that visits most evenings and even with our windows shut, you just *know* he's walking around the house looking for a target...A funny memory about my mom is the time we drove 8 hours to see her new house for the first time. An hour before we were to arrive, she discovered a FAMILY of skunks living under her house. Apparently something had upset them, and they really let loose spraying her crawlspace. :D When we got there...she had at least a hundred scented candles burning all over the house. Now if you knew my mom...you would just love this situation! So a word of warning...do NOT mix the delicate aroma of skunky juice with scented candles!!:lol:

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