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My son may have broken his arm.

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I am terrible at making medically based decisions but at 4 p.m. this afternoon my son came into the house crying hard with pain because the swing he and his brother constructed last month (that was tied to a cherry tree) busted and he fell hard onto a tree root. His arm swelled up and he seemed in a lot of pain.


I decided to call the doctor's office because I knew they were only open another hour and if I waited it would mean a trip to the emergency department (which I didn't want to do). So the office was very accomodating and saw us right away. It was quite swollen. The doctor isn't sure it's broken -- it may just be a huge hematoma. He put my ds in a sling and gave us x-ray requistions for the morning, if necessary. He told me that the area in question would not be casted even if broken -- treatment would be 6 -8 weeks in a sling! Yikes! This is my son who can't sit still. I can't imagine 8 weeks in a sling.


So we'll see in the morning. If the swelling has gone down and the pain better we won't need an x-ray. Otherwise we'll take him in the morning.


I'm glad I took him either way because the last time this happened, and I waited, he ended up having a broken collar bone.


Hopefully my son will get some sleep tonight.

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I hope all will be better in the morning.


Ever notice that these things always happen in the evening or on the weekend? Dd broke her finger ice skating last year. She only had a cast on for 3 weeks. The doctor said that the muscles atrophy while in the cast, so they try to keep them on as short a time as possible.

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I am terrible at making medically based decisions but at 4 p.m. this afternoon my son came into the house crying hard with pain because the swing he and his brother constructed last month (that was tied to a cherry tree) busted and he fell hard onto a tree root. His arm swelled up and he seemed in a lot of pain.


I decided to call the doctor's office because I knew they were only open another hour and if I waited it would mean a trip to the emergency department (which I didn't want to do). So the office was very accomodating and saw us right away. It was quite swollen. The doctor isn't sure it's broken -- it may just be a huge hematoma. He put my ds in a sling and gave us x-ray requistions for the morning, if necessary. He told me that the area in question would not be casted even if broken -- treatment would be 6 -8 weeks in a sling! Yikes! This is my son who can't sit still. I can't imagine 8 weeks in a sling.


So we'll see in the morning. If the swelling has gone down and the pain better we won't need an x-ray. Otherwise we'll take him in the morning.


I'm glad I took him either way because the last time this happened, and I waited, he ended up having a broken collar bone.


Hopefully my son will get some sleep tonight.


Did you get some pain medication for him? I'd say dose him with whatever pain reliever he usually uses tonight.


Hope it's not broken. Yikes, indeed!

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My ds broke 4 metacarpels (hand bones) a couple of weeks ago. He still doesn't have a cast b/c his hand has been so incredibly swollen. (It is a crush injury, so more than bones are affected) 2 of his metacarpels are displaced but the original er dr didn't even think they were broken!!! Severe swelling can apparently make reading an xray hard. I got a phone call 2 days later saying that the radiologist had flagged the xray b/c HE saw the breaks. The next set of xrays showed them clearly.


I wouldn't rely on a dr's office reading. I would make sure that the xrays are being read by either an orthopedist or a radiologist and I certainly wouldn't hesitate to get a 2nd opinion on the cast vs. sling. My ds is hopefully getting a cast on Friday b/c the swelling has finally gone down significantly.


Hope all goes well and that he isn't in too much pain. BTW....we have been told to ice and ice again. It has helped the swelling a lot.

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My dd broke her humerus bone when she was 10. We didn't think it was broken because she had not swelling....nothing visible. But she had a lot of pain when she tried to raise her arm. She had to wear a sling as well. I'm thinking it was around 6 weeks. The good thing about them is that you can take them off to shower. It really wasn't too terrible.


But I hope your son doesn't have a break! Best of luck!!

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My thoughts are with your son that he can sleep well through the night, and get a complete diagnosis tomorrow.


I broke my humerus at 16 (hit by a car) and had to wear a sling for 6-8 weeks. They explained at the time that if they put me in a cast, it would be a full arm cast, and my arm would be placed at a 90-degree angle from my body. Ick.


Needless to say, I missed 2 weeks of school and then when I returned, had a pass to go between classes before the bell, so I would not be jostled around in the halls. I also couldn't write, because it was my left arm, but I managed to cheat and get work done anyhow!


If it is broken, he'll be fine before you realize it. At 4 weeks, mine was almost back to normal. Kids heal quickly, thank goodness!

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He's a very active child but tonight he seemed to the life sucked out of him. Of course dh took him to the grocery store for ice cream and chocolates bars (while I was making healthy pumpkin/blueberry muffins). Guess which won out! lol!


I just hope tomorrow morning it's clear whether I should take him for the x-ray or not. I am so not good at making medical decisions because I usually am fairly flippant about sickness/injuries. I'm a bit on the tough side and usually think everything can be cured with a glass of water (family joke. Any time the kids come to me with a headache or stomach ache, I tell them to drink a glass of water and they'll be fine. I mean, usually that works? :001_huh:


I guess I should err on the side of caution if I'm at all uncertain in the morning. I wish the doctor wouldn't have left it up to me to decide. I should have warned him that I'm lousy at these sorts of decisions. (I'm sure my dh will want to take him in any case.)


Well I'd better get to bed in case it's a restless night.

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