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Rosetta Stone users:

Kathie in VA

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I'm thinking of getting RS for my 13yodd, 12yods, and ?8yods to use. How often should I schedule this? 4days/wk? 2-3days/wk?? What about duration? about 15min/sesson? 30min/session? or 1hr/session?


I have soo many ideas for this year that I really need to see how it can fit before placing orders! kwim??


thanks for any help!


--Kathie :bigear:

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For my 8th grader, who is taking Rosetta Stone for HS credit, I will have her working on the program 4 days a week for 45 minutes at a time. She will also be working on a supplemental workbook for additional grammar and writing practice -- which will give her about 4 hours of Spanish a week.


My 5th grader will not be doing the "complete" program and will work on it 3 days a week for 30 minutes.

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For dd6 we use it 10-15 minutes per day. If we go longer than that, she starts to get wrong answers and we end up having to re-do at a later date. It can get monotonous, so just make sure that they stop when they lose focus. I think that a shorter time period more frequently is the answer (for us anyway).:D



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For my 8th grader, who is taking Rosetta Stone for HS credit, I will have her working on the program 4 days a week for 45 minutes at a time. She will also be working on a supplemental workbook for additional grammar and writing practice -- which will give her about 4 hours of Spanish a week.


My 5th grader will not be doing the "complete" program and will work on it 3 days a week for 30 minutes.


I'm going to use RS for my 8th gr for HS credit as well. Do you supplement with another workbook in addition to the one that comes with RS? If so, is it because the program isn't enough on its own? This is unchartered territory for me and I want to ensure we are not lacking in this area. Also, could you share what a typical week will look like for her w/ RS? Thanks for your help. :001_smile:

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We just started RS Spanish this past week-end. I really like it so far. I'm planning for my fourth grader to do short lessons, 15 minutes or so, four days a week. My six year old has taken to it like a duck to the water and has already completed twice as much as the rest of us. I'm not scheduling him at all of course but just sharing that to say that it is very easy to use. I'm going to work through it almost but I'm not following a schedule.

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