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Do Hard Things

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Anyone have any input on Do Hard Things by Farris? We're thinking of reading it with our 17 yo son. We used one last year called Boys to Men, The Transforming Power of Virtue (Catholic authors) that was excellent and would like to keep the discussion going!

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Is it a religious book? I really like the title. I guess I'll go google it.


I haven't read it but I get the feeling it will have at minimum "Christian overtones". It was written by the brothers of the guy who wrote "I Kissed Dating Goodbye" and if I didn't miss something, the dating guy is now a pastor.


Here's a link to amazon.

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We have this book and our 14yos and my dh went to a conference a couple of months ago. HIGHLY recommended! It's very inspiring and very well-written (keeps a 14yo's attention!). It doesn't have tons of Bible in it, but the principles are developed from their Christian convictions.

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Their blog gave me some stuff to think about today. Thanks for the link. I like the message they're getting at. It would be hard for me to use with the kids, though, I think. Sometimes I wish I was just a Christian, you know? It would make life so much easier. (Not opening up a conversion discussion - I'm sure you all know what I mean.)

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Sometimes I wish I was just a Christian, you know? It would make life so much easier. (Not opening up a conversion discussion - I'm sure you all know what I mean.)




I think I understand. I won't try to convert you. :) But if you have questions...:bigear:

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I think you would like the content, "differently Christian" or non-Christian. The theme of the book is about living above the expectations our society has for teens. In the last 100 years or so this "teen culture" has sprouted (they say partly as a result of child labor laws, which had a purpose to be sure but have evolved into a situation now where teens are not able to be as productive through those years as they once were) with the teen years being viewed as "play time" before "adult time". This is hard to break out of at 18-19-20 years old, so now we're seeing young people even into their 30s not being able to break away from this "play time" mentality. Anyway, the book talks about how to choose focus and "hard things" even in the teen years; being productive and learning and growing in powerful ways at this time of life.

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