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How specifically do you schedule Singapore Math?


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We will be starting PM Singapore 5A. I'll be adding in Intensive practice 5A and CWP 3 (he's not so good at word problems and I think we need to step back and learn how to do these, so I'm starting easy). Do you do IP in conjunction with PM or do you do a section of PM first, and then follow up with IP for a few days for extra practice? We just finished RS E where everything has been scripted for us for the past few years (we also did PM Singapore 4 A and B last year to get a feel for it) so I'm trying to figure this all out. Any scheduling ideas would be greatly appreciated!!



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I really don't know if I'll even come near to answering your question but here is what we do.


First of all I use the HIG religiously. It'll take you through the TB and WB. When we finish a section (not a chapter) I usually assign work from EP b/c I think practice of the skill is important. We then move on to WP and I assign all of those problems. We then go to IP and I assign select problems from there usually a few fun looking puzzles/problems and a few, if not all, of the word problems.


I also own the worksheets book and if we're having a problem I can use it for extra help when a topic isn't sticking.

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We are quite boring. We do all of the textbook and workbook assignments for a unit. Then we do all of the IP assignments for the same unit and then we do all of the CWP assignments for the same unit. Then we move on to the next unit. The only things I schedule out of order are the Review assignments in the textbook, workbook, IP and CWP. I spread them out so that we are doing a review every 3 weeks or so. These are the only thing I grade. I keep the scores to myself at this time - just to see where the kids seem to be.

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If you're doing the workbook, it's by far easiest to finish the topic then do IP because IP assumes the topic has been studied in its entirety. We do CWP a couple topics behind. Since you're starting with an earlier CWP, I'd suggest just assigning a page a day regardless of the topic.

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We are going to be starting 5A in the fall, too :) . What I have done in the past is to work through each unit, and if I feel either child needs extra help (beyond the text reviews, wkbook assignments and mental math), I will assign the corresponding IP work. I always take notice on the major reviews at the end of the books and use the IP as extra reinforcement for those things they may have gotten wrong. In the past, we used the extra word probs as filler. But, I think this year, I may take a section each week and assign it to work on over the weekend. Also, I make copies of the IP and WP books so that if we finish the year out early (as is usually the case for some reason), we can work from there to finish out the school year.



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We do the text and workbooks following the Teacher's Guide to shape the lessons.


I often assign the first several pages of the IP for that unit as we go along, but first looking carefully to be sure that we have covered the material so that they are able to do them. But often, the first several pages to first half of so of each IP chapter can be done before you finish the unit. We find this helpful because otherwise we need to allocate too many days after the unit to doing IP and CW for the unit, and then we get behind.


Sometimes I can also assign a few of the CW problems as we go through the unit, especially the Practice Problems.


Then, when we have finished the text/lessons/workbook for the unit we finish the IP and the CW, working both of those at the same time. Invariably there are a few problems in IP and CW that we have to do together on the board. I have them attempt everything first themselves. I then mark their errors and give it back to them to make corrections. If they are not able to do it in 2-3 correction attempts, or if they are totally stuck on something, we do it together on the board.


We do make sure that every problem in the workbook, CW and IP are correctly done before we move on to the next unit.


I usually reserve the textbook Practices and Reviews and the workbook reviews for test preparation. We did do the tests for Primary Math 2-5. (There are none available for 6 that I know of.)


Best wishes,


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My 5th grader is using 5A. We don't schedule it. She just works for about 45-60 min, and then we set it aside for the day. We really just use the workbook, pulling out the textbook only if she doesn't understand something or needs more instruction. We don't use any of the supplemental stuff.

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I have my kids do one lesson a day out of a Primary book, then one page front and back out of one of the extra books. The order I use for the extra books is: CWP, IPA, IPB, one level down from where they are doing the Primary text). When they finish the Primary texts then they just work out of two of the extra books at once, doing one page (front and back) in each.



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We will be starting PM Singapore 5A. I'll be adding in Intensive practice 5A and CWP 3 (he's not so good at word problems and I think we need to step back and learn how to do these, so I'm starting easy). Do you do IP in conjunction with PM or do you do a section of PM first, and then follow up with IP for a few days for extra practice? We just finished RS E where everything has been scripted for us for the past few years (we also did PM Singapore 4 A and B last year to get a feel for it) so I'm trying to figure this all out. Any scheduling ideas would be greatly appreciated!!




I use the PM Teacher's Guide as a guideline, though I don't follow it strictly. At the beginning of each unit, there is a table with the breakdown of daily lessons, exercises and any other assignments or activities. This helps me know what's a reasonable amount of work to assign per day. If the student isn't getting the concept, we spend additional time on it. Other times, we can easily do two days' worth of lessons in one. (I tried to describe the layout of the TG in detail here.)


If you don't have the TG or HIG, you could try doing daily lessons something like this: First do a one-on-one lesson time using the Textbook until you see the little pencil image with the corresponding WB Exercise #. Then have the student do the Exercise. If that seems like it's not enough for the day, then you could:

(1) find similar problems in IP to assign,

(2) in the Textbook, do the next section together until you get to the next pencil image, and assign the next WB Exercise, or

(3) in the Textbook, assign the next Practice or part of the next Practice.


I described how we work through a unit here; it's for levels PM-2 & 3 but is pretty similar to what we do for levels PM-4 & 5.


When we start a new unit, I usually wait til we're about 2 or 3 days into the lesson before assigning any problems (on the same topic) from IP. Also, I save about 2/3 or 1/2 of the IP word problems to use as review later.



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My children do one lesson per day in levels 1, 2, and 3.


For levels 4, 5, and 6 they work for 5 minutes times their age each day. So my 11 year old works for 55 minutes going back and forth between doing the textbook with me and the workbook on her own. She finishes anywhere from 1 to 4 lessons per day depending on how much computation is involved.

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