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Mark Kistler's Draw Squad vs. Video Art Academy (online)


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I am looking for an art program for next year, and I'm trying to decide between using Mark Kistler's book (Draw Squad) and the online videos (Video Art Academy).


Draw Squad is only $13.60, but it looks like you're supposed to write/draw directly in the book on occasion, so I guess I would get one for each kid (3 kids, so about $40 total).


The videos are an online subscription that is good for the whole family, but it's $99 for one year, so once the year's up, it's gone. It is nice to watch him draw the lesson himself though, and he's pretty entertaining.


I'm hoping some of you who have used one or the other (or both) can give me some input as to which you think is a better choice. Budget is somewhat of a concern, but if the video subscription is worth the extra $60, we can make it happen.


Thanks in advance for any input!

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We used the book first, but the kids lost motivation, even with me trying to do it with them. We then subscribed to his website a few years ago (not the live lessons), and the kids enjoyed it. Just a month ago we started the online live lessons, primarily for my 9-year-old. She loves it, but we aren't yet used to having specific class times instead of doing the video lessons whenever it's convenient. The classes so far have been small (around 20 students), and Mark Kistler does a great job with them. I would encourage you to buy through the Homeschool Buyers Coop and save some money/get some reward points. My advice is to skip the books and do the online lessons...buy some drawing pads at the dollar store, and you're set.


Hope this helps!


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If you join http://www.homeschoolbuyersco-op.org (it's free) you can get the 1-year sub for just under $40. We have the book, we also have done the online subscription. We like both. The book works better for my oldest son who's more of an independent learner and wants to learn more about the concepts rather than drawing a particular thing. The videos were better for my two middle kids. I love Mark, I learned to draw from him as a kid back when he was doing The Secret City on PBS. You DO NOT need a book for each kid necessarily, in fact Mark recommends using a spiral sketchbook (or 2). While you could draw in the book, we never have.

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My DD is very into art and loves the live classes. Here's some information on upcoming events:


and here's a link for a great price on a subscription:



Mark has a separate website with recorded lessons, many of which are free. (Here's a link to a deal: https://www.homeschoolbuyersco-op.org/mark-kistler-online/?c=1) So you might take a look at that to see if your kids enjoy the video format. The live lessons are absolutely awesome, IMO, but I have a child who would rather draw than eat or sleep. The guest artists are wonderful as it allows my child to see "real" people who are making a living doing what she enjoys. Mark is a great teacher, he's had lots of experience teaching week long art camps all over the country.


We did the regular website lessons several years ago and they would be great for getting started. Your choice will kind of depend on how into drawing your kids are. KWIM?


Rather than purchase multiple copies of the Draw Squad book, I would invest in individual spiral bound sketch books. Warning though- your kids may get spoiled and want to use spirals for all their work. The sketch pads are $$$. I have dd do a lot of her work on cardstock paper that I buy in bulk. But when I can find a deal I go ahead and splurge for the sketch pads.

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Thank you for all the advice so far! Book or video, I really think they'll enjoy either one. I just know *I* enjoyed listening to him talk during the one video I watched, so I wanted to see what you all thought about the whole program. Thanks for the link for the discount too. If we go the subscription route, I don't want to subscribe until August, but I'll save the link.

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