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  1. Oh, my - my kids aren't the only ones with third quarter brain lag. I printed the Gold Series worksheets instead of the Light Blue material. Sorry I bothered you all. Jana
  2. I just printed out MM 6B expecting 200 pages or so, and it is less than half that. What am I missing? Did you all just spend more than a semester on 6A? Thanks, Jana
  3. I LOVE RIghtStart B - definitely don't quit before you finish that one! My oldest did RightStart all the way through G. At the point that I was faced with doing RightStart with 3 children, I switched to MM (after RIghtStart B and D). I am really happy with the extensive practice, the application of concepts in many different ways (more so than RightStart, I think). I don't need to supplement like I felt the need to in the upper levels of RightStart. In doing MM all that's required of me is printing, planning and organizing before the next level, and daily spending about 5 minutes intro'ing and then grading the pages assigned. Jana
  4. We also do 2 pages per day 5 days a week of MM6, all but 2 or 3 problems in each section. Those few extra problems can be added in if there are careless mistakes or if there is a lack of understanding. Also, we have enough additional time for a multivide (from RightStart), or Math Minutes for review, etc. Jana
  5. Something else to consider...when I looked at VL, I found that all the translation was Latin to English. English to Latin is much more challenging. It all depends on what your goals are for Latin study. Jana
  6. I just emailed her about this a few weeks ago...Book D is where the favour/colour/etc. words come in, and she is coming out with a U.S. edition for Book D soon. She said the other 3 books should be acceptable as they are...she tried to avoid words that would cause problems. I did notice several odd words (odd to me at least!) in Dancing Bears, but I actually like that - keeps my dyslexic student from guessing and forces him to sound out from left to right. Hope this helps! Jana
  7. Thanks, Tracy - I really like the worksheets Nicole Cull has on the SWR website for purchase but wish there were more to take us through all the lists. Jana
  8. All I can find are worksheets that go through List M...can anyone point me to enrichment exercises for the later lists? Thanks, Jana
  9. These are great! The teacher is interesting, and there's lots of useful information.
  10. Penguin, do you know of any specific talks you think would fit the bill? I listened to a few yesterday that were geared toward teens, but they would be pretty hard to take notes from...I'm looking for something in a similar format to what they will encounter in a classroom someday. Thanks so much!
  11. There's a lot online about Cornell notes...I compiled some examples, and I've been practicing on Sunday morning sermons. :-) I think practice is what they really need...the method itself is very simple. Yes, "bored out of their minds" is something I very much want to avoid. :-) Thanks, all! Jana
  12. Thank you - the study skills workshops are a great idea. I'm watching one now. :-) I am teaching mostly 8th/9th graders...planning to use the Cornell notes method.
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