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Drat! - abscessed tooth and hugely pregnant


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I'm 36 weeks pregnant and woke up this morning with a tooth that is sensitive to pressure and ever-so-slight swelling in the gum near it. I'm pretty sure it's abscessed. :( What a pain!


I wonder if my OB would be okay with prescribing antibiotics and then waiting until AFTER the baby for me to do the root canal. Everything is so sensitive right now and I know from experience that pain/numbing medicine they'd give me isn't very effective during pregnancy. LAME. :glare:

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I had the exact same thing happen to me when I was pregnant with my second daughter. I, too, was just about 36 or 37 weeks pregnant. I ended up going to a specialist who gave me one injection of something. It wasn't Novocain because that has epinephrine in it which cannot be used during pregnancy. It was a very short-lived pain medication that he injected in my gum. Then he did a "baby" root canal. It literally took like 10 minutes. He drilled in, took out the pulp, and put something over it. I believe it was called a pulpectomy. It's a short term thing but I was bad and waited like a year to go back and have it finished lol. Never bothered me in that time!

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