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Weird birth question...

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Do you have to do perineal massage (to prepare it to stretch) for every birth, or just your first one? We did it with dd #1 and had great results (large baby, no tearing, no nothing), but I'm wondering if we have to do it again for this one, or if we can get away without it. Any thoughts?

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I don't know. Olive oil has always been on our supply list, but mw has never told us what to do w/ it. I mean, I know what "perineal massage" *is* (from friends), but I've never been told when to do it. Or how. Or whatever.


Fwiw, I only tore w/ #1. After that, I just happened to read *how* to push, slowed down my efforts w/ 2 & 3, & didn't tear or anything. #1 & #2 were 8.5 lbs; #3 was 9.5lbs. And I'm only 5'3".



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Do you have to do perineal massage (to prepare it to stretch) for every birth, or just your first one? We did it with dd #1 and had great results (large baby, no tearing, no nothing), but I'm wondering if we have to do it again for this one, or if we can get away without it. Any thoughts?


My mw suggested we do that with my second.

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You don't HAVE to, but I would. At least they did it with all of mine. Well, actually, they didn't have time with #1. But it DEFINITELY helped with the other two! I'm small boned, and I had a 10lb, 2oz. baby (baby #2) with a large head with only minor tearing. DD (baby #3) was only 8lbs., 6oz., but I didn't tear at ALL with her! Wow, that was GREAT!

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I was 19 when I had my first; perinneal massage was gross. LOL He was 7lbs 1oz, and I did tear some.


I didn't do perinneal massage with my other two because... well, because I didn't think about it, I guess. LOL My second was 8lbs 11oz and my third (14 mos later) was 9lbs 1oz. I didn't tear with either of them.


I'm not small (5'7" and over 200lbs), and I've always had hips, even before I ever got pregnant, and still to this day. (When I'm skinny, which is every 4 years or so LOL, I have to buy pants two sizes larger just to fit over my hips.)

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I did perineal massage *before* labor -- in the last few weeks of pregnancy -- with my second (not with my first). I don't think there's a whole lot of value in doing it *during* labor, unless it's comforting to the mother. It's of somewhat dubious utility. If you're comfortable doing it in the last few weeks of pregnancy, it won't hurt. But it's questionable whether it will help. If you're concerned about tearing, I'd say absolutely go for it. But if you don't care to do it and aren't worried about tearing, then it's probably fine.

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My first was an ugly hospital birth, and the doctor cut me (routine) to prevent tearing. Awful! Then, my next two births were homebirths. I knew about perineal massage, but didn't do it, and delivered my 9 lb 8 oz and my 11 lber without any problems. (I had about a 1/2 cm tear with the 11 lber that didn't even hurt, and healed without incident.)


I did want to reiterate what someone else posted though, in that the massage is supposed to be before you ever go into labor.

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Well this is really interesting! I see the midwife tomorrow, so we'll see what she says. Yes, I meant the kind you do the last month or so to prep for labor. I think during birth she did some with olive oil, just to keep everything pink and happy. It all worked out the first time, so I'll probably just do whatever she advises with this one. Thanks for sharing your experiences!

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