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7-y-o and Crying Fits


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My daughter is 7.5, and when she's frustrated, she storms off to her room, throws herself on her bed, and cries. After 15 min. or so, I go up, we chat, she seems better, and we move on. Some days, though, it happens two or three times. It's making me crazy. I'm thinking about having us see a counselir because it's really fragmenting our days, affecting our relationship, and hindering school. Frustrations are usually school-related. Today, it was over vacuuming and spelling the word "whose." I know that frustration is normal, but I really feel she needs to learn better coping techniques, and maybe I'm not the one to teach them. I bear the brunt of it b/c I'm with her all day, although my husband sees it too and does what he can to help. Please chime in with some advice!

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I might be the wrong person to answer because after I read your post I thought you were lucky she voluntarily goes to her room to throw her fit. I also think she's showing a bit of coping skills by distancing herself and calming down within 15 minutes. I've actually told my dds it's ok to be frustrated and upset and it is ok to excuse themselves to their room to calm down and get a handle on things.


Has she always done this or is it new? Mine each went through phases where they were more whiney and tearful when upset and/or frustrated, but they grew out it. They're 10 and 13 now and we don't have those problems anymore.

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From your sig, it looks like you have just the one kiddo, right? In that case, she won't be disturbing anyone but herself and I would tell her that during school time she is not allowed to storm off. She can tell you if she gets mad, you can talk about it if she wants, practice deep breathing, whatever, but she has to stay there and work through it. At first it will be tough and you will have to keep from being sucked into the drama - stay calm, cool, and collected.


BTW - coping techniques are best learned when NOT upset. Practice those with her during a good time - maybe at the beginning of the school day?

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I think you are pretty nice. I would probably allow one or two of these melt downs a week. The other times I've been known to say "suck it up buttercup." Dh always asks "is anyone hurt? has anyone died? have you lost the love of your life? Then dry it up." I'm not saying it's not okay to shed a few tears, but our dd11 is/was a crybaby. I allow it for true problems, but crying because she had to spell the word whose would have not been okay. I don't mean to sound harsh, but I wouldn't feed into the problem.

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does she get enough sleep?

does she take a vitamin d3 supplement? (you'd be amazed what a difference that can make for mood!) the usrda is merely 400IU's - which is next to nothing. d3 blood levels should be a bare minimum of 40, with 60 - 80 much better. sunblock cuts down on how much d3 we get from the sun, as does showering everyday.

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