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2nd grader dislikes FLL - other options?


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Looking for some advice on grammar for 2nd grader DD. She has declared FLL as awful. I have looked at the WTM book and it suggests doing Rod and Staff or Voyages in English, but it seems to recomend them starting in 3rd grade.

What are some alternatives to doing FLL? We have completed level 1 and are on to level 2. I briefly looked at Rod and Staff.

Any suggestions on other curriculums for this subject and age? We are doing WWE2



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Here is the link to KISS http://home.pct.edu/~evavra/kiss/wb/PBooks/index.htm. I would suggest level 1 for 2nd grade. What I usually do is print off the student pages (under doc) and I check the answer key (under AK) on either the laptop or iPad so I don't have to print that too.


Here is a link to Grammarland http://books.google.com/books/about/Grammar_land_or_Grammar_in_fun_for_the_c.html?id=iXgSAAAAIAAJ or you can get it free on Librovox if you prefer listening instead of reading http://librivox.org/grammar-land-by-m-l-nesbitt/. Here are some free worksheets to use with Grammarland http://dontneednoeducation.blogspot.com.au/2010/01/grammar-land-worksheets.html.

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I'll third (or 4th) trying Grammarland. It is funny (and free). If the style appeals you might consider MCT (Michael Clay Thompson). MCT is not an inexpensive option, but boy has it been a success in my home.


We started MCT in Second Grade with a bright child, but it is ordinarily recommended for Third.



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I had trouble with FLL with one of my kids (more of scheduling challenges in my case) and so I switched to Rod and Staff a grade earlier than I had with my others - we used the 2nd grade book. The book is very low key and we did a lot of it orally. I think it set that child up to do better in R/S 3rd grade English. If you think you might use R/S down the road, I would just go with that.

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Have you looked at Moving Beyond the Page? It is all inclusive LA I think the 7-9 is meant for third grade though the 5-7 and 6-8 are complete curricula. You really do not need to place a large emphasis on grammar or writing until 3rd grade. This is because most kids really aren't ready to write until then. Voyages in English is pretty awesome. They do have have a second grade curriculum you can find it if you look up Loyola Press and go to their website. The new version is for 3rd-8th.Singapore writes a LA curriculum too.

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I have not heard of KISS or GrammarLand. I will check them out. Thanks!


If you want to check out KISS grammar (which is free) a member of this forum, Ruth from New Zealand whose screen name is "Lewelma," has made an explanation of the materials on the website (which are otherwise a disorganized and confusing mess). It would save you some headaches.


Maybe someone has a link to Ruth's thread?.





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I wouldn't completely rule out Rod and Staff. I am currently using it with my second grader and love it. I find it to be a gentle, but steady progression in grammar. A lot of it can be done orally so it's just the right amount. I like that it will also cover some topics in writing. You can request a free grade level curriculum sample or view parts of it here http://info.mileston...ples/2/english/

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If you want to check out KISS grammar (which is free) a member of this forum, Ruth from New Zealand whose screen name is "Lewelma," has made an explanation of the materials on the website (which are otherwise a disorganized and confusing mess). It would save you some headaches.


Maybe someone has a link to Ruth's thread?.






I will see if I can find the thread. That would be helpful. I looked at the site last night and read some of the massive amounts of text. It is confusing. I think I see what level we would use and see the links to the workbook pages and answers. But where is the teaching element? The more I look into serious grammar the more terrified I become of teaching it. I am not a grammar person. Some people are terrified of math. That doesn't concern me. Grammar does! The KISS looks way too overwhelming for me. Voyages in English and Rod and Staff look simple enough maybe MCT for third grade. Voyages also appears to be something my DD could do on her own which would be really helpful. Thanks!

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My second grader uses Rod & Staff grade 2 level and we love it!...We do it orally and my son enjoys that...I also noticed that WTM recommends starting with the 3rd grade level, but I am not sure why...We are really enjoying the second grade level, so I would recommend trying that...

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Have you looked at Moving Beyond the Page? It is all inclusive LA I think the 7-9 is meant for third grade though the 5-7 and 6-8 are complete curricula. You really do not need to place a large emphasis on grammar or writing until 3rd grade. This is because most kids really aren't ready to write until then. Voyages in English is pretty awesome. They do have have a second grade curriculum you can find it if you look up Loyola Press and go to their website. The new version is for 3rd-8th.Singapore writes a LA curriculum too.


Do you know if the Teachers Guide is needed for 2nd Grade Voyages? I looked at the samples given and it all seems self explanatory. Thanks!

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I will see if I can find the thread. That would be helpful. I looked at the site last night and read some of the massive amounts of text. It is confusing. I think I see what level we would use and see the links to the workbook pages and answers. But where is the teaching element? The more I look into serious grammar the more terrified I become of teaching it. I am not a grammar person. Some people are terrified of math. That doesn't concern me. Grammar does! The KISS looks way too overwhelming for me. Voyages in English and Rod and Staff look simple enough maybe MCT for third grade. Voyages also appears to be something my DD could do on her own which would be really helpful. Thanks!


The people who figure out KISS (better people than I) seem to quite like it. But boy is the organization of the materials and the website a mess! Ruth's thread is commenable for making it less of a headache.


It is too bad someone can't take the KISS materials (and website) and put them into a orderly form.


The Grammar portions of MCT Island are actually quite do-able for younger kids (my son anyway). The vocabulary book in Island is also easy. The poetry book, on the other hand is very advanced, but can be done as "exposure."


The approach of MCT vs programs like FLL or R&S could not be more different. It is important to me than Language Arts and grammar are well-loved and inspiring subjects, and MCT fits the bill perfectly.


Try Grammarland. If you giggle all the way through reading it, and the material "sticks," you would have a pretty good clue about how you'd like MCT. Grammar does not have to be a loathsome and boring subject.



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Ugh yeah I took one look at that and said forget it. Maybe if grammar was the only thing I wanted to cover in a day I would have been willing to wade through it.



Hmmm... I'm finding it pretty easy. I printed out the workbook and the answer key and learn along as I go, looking at the answer key if I can't figure out something on my own. I didn't pre-read anything.



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