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I think I am giving in to public school

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I am just so tired of fighting upstream against the current of EVERYONE including my husband. Every single person in my life (except my son and I and fellow homeschoolers of course) constantly blame every hiccup in life on homeschooling. I am just so very tired and think I might put my son in PS for third grade. I feel guilty either way as my son is VERY opposed to going to PS but I am burnt out trying to homeschool to please the masses. My son is very social so I have him in co-ops and to keep costs down I'm teaching as well. I also have 3 year old twins and I am not meeting ANYONE's needs let alone my own.


I'm worried he will be labeled ADHD, worried that I don't have him writing enough, worried we will lose the great bond we have developed. But on the other hand he is bored at home unless I have a constant revolving door of playdates, co-op classes and park days and I am an introvert. sigh.

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I am sorry for your situation and commiserate. I would advise you to put your son in PS if there is no cooperation from family or spouse for what you are working so hard towards. The reason I say this is because I have BTDT. My husband looks at my efforts to educate my son with extreme suspicion (as in "does she know what the heck she is doing?" kind of way and assumes that I google around in my spare time to find something to teach my son!). I afterschool every single day and it has taken my husband a year and half of seeing the progress my son has made to acknowledge that I know what it takes to educate my son as well as not to push me to outsource the afterschooling to one of the neighborhood tutoring centers where all his friends and family send their kids to.

In the end, your son benefits more by having a mom who is not stressed all the time by fighting to convince every one around that her choices are right. And you can accomplish a lot by afterschooling - if you do it systematically, you can spend quality time while accomplishing what you want. And maybe your son will benefit from the social interaction at school and maybe you will have less tension at home and feel that you have more of yourself to give to your family.

It is tough if you have disagreement at home on how to educate your child - but we can always do the next best thing (in this case, afterschooling and summer schooling).

Good luck and hope you feel much better.

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My sons are going to attend a local public charter because my husband was totally not supportive of homeschooling. It stinks, in a way, because I'll be doing a lot as afterschooling that I would have done anyways. Oh well... more one-on-one time with #2 while #1 is in KG next August.

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You won't lose your special bond! Having the first few years of school at home gave your son that great start he needed. If you decide to PS next year, don't give in to guilt about it. Many, many kids do great in PS. My DD is super social, craves attention from other adults, and likes to have lots and lots of kids around her all the time. Sounds like school, doesn't it? :laugh:


She was (and is) a bit behind academically due to LD, and she is a bit ADHD, but for now PS is the best place for her.


The wonderful gift of PS is that you will have lots of time to give to your twins! Homeschool for Preschool and Kindy! Maybe your DH will get on board in a few years!

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Just wanted to add... I had to put my kiddos in school this year for different reasons. Ds had never wanted to go go to school and he was extremely upset about going. I was so worried about him and yes, I cried the first day that I had to drop them off. Now we are 3/4 of the way through the school year and both of my kids are so happy. Ds loves school and actually told me he prefers it to homeschooling. Of course this makes me a little sad, but I am really thrilled that he is happy where he is.


I understand wanting to homeschool, but I agree with others that it would be difficult without your dh being on board. Sending the kiddos to school isn't the worst thing in the world and I promise you will maintain your special relationship with your son.

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