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Wondering what it is about chemistry...

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I don't mind posting it, but I just tried again and got this message:


Error You aren't permitted to upload this kind of file



It was an MSWord file.



Crud. Maybe Regentrude can help. I've never attached anything to a post so I don't know how to troubleshoot. In the meantime, folks can PM. Thanks so much for being willing to share! :)

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To me it's the irony behind the "labs don't matter" comments. With some texts, when you skip the labs you're skipping a serious chunk of the instruction.



I completely agree. It is difficult for me to imagine a complete program without doing labs. After all these are 'lab' sciences. It is through labs that the understanding really gels - the theoretical becomes real.


As far as hating Chemistry... My dad has a PhD in Organic Chemistry so I wasn't allowed to hate Chemistry :-).

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In watching my sons learn chem, the difficulty was


a. incompetent teaching - chem is visual, not verbal. Get the models out if you can't figure out how to use your computer so you can show as well as tell. I cringe when the kid can't show me the shape of a molecule, but is supposed to have the angles memorized.




So, would you recommend buying one of those kits to build model molecules like this:




Are they worthwhile?




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So, would you recommend buying one of those kits to build model molecules like this:




Are they worthwhile?





Not Heigh Ho :) but YES! ABSOLUTELY! With kits like that, the proper bond angles are already built in because the holes are predrilled into the plastic spheres. The students can't get the bond angles and molecular shape wrong. I've seen labs where kids are supposed to use gummy candies or marshmallows and toothpicks. While eating the molecule afterwards is fun :D, the kids can get the bond angles and shape completely wrong since they can stick the toothpicks into the candy at any angle they like. If there isn't constant checking by the teacher, it just doesn't work well.


ETA: If it were me, I might spend a few more dollars and get this one:


It's got more pieces in it so if you have more than one student working or if your student wants to build something large, they won't run out.

DO NOT get the sets with the wooden balls and springs. They don't stay together and are very frustrating. :)

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MyThreeSons If you wouldn't mind sharing the answer key I'd really appreciate it.


Thanks  ; )


I do have a handwritten one. I'll try to type one up and get it posted, maybe this evening. Or sooner, if ds's knee injury keeps him from soccer practice.



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I liked chemistry. I liked it much better than biology.  I always had issues with some of the vocabulary in biology since they were too similar.  I didn't have difficulties with chemistry for some reason.

ANyway, we use BJU chemistry and it does start with atomic theories, well right after chapters about what chemistry is and a short history of chemistry.  I think they also have a math chapter before the atomic theory but I do know that stoichiometry is quite a bit down the line in the chapters.

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