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Fine Arts credit for STEM high school boy

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Digital photography, digital media production or Introduction to AutoCAD type courses through your cc or elsewhere. Not sure how time consuming, but the course would be completed within a semester or could even be taken as a shorter summer course. It wouldn't involve the computer, but even a basic drawing course would be great for an engineering major.

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Digital photography, digital media production or Introduction to AutoCAD type courses through your cc or elsewhere. Not sure how time consuming, but the course would be completed within a semester or could even be taken as a shorter summer course. It wouldn't involve the computer, but even a basic drawing course would be great for an engineering major.


I like the idea of a CC class. It would be great to have it be useful. I know he's like AutoCAD. I hadn't thought of a drawing course. He has trouble with handwriting and types everything, so I'm not sure how drawing would go over with him.


I'll second the drawing class... Since it's a fine arts credit I'd lean toward drawing from the arts side of things rather than technical drawing, but you could probably do either.


I'll keep the drawing in mind. That is a new idea for me.


I have the same type of kid and he will be watching TC Art through the Ages, Museum Masterpieces of the Lourve, and going through Sister Wendy's Story of Painting.


This is definitely a low priority course for him.


I'll look into your selections. I'd probably lean more toward music if I used a TC course just becaue my husband and I are classically trained musicians.


I've been eyeing Discovering Music for my STEM kid.



Music is definitely under consideration. Thanks for the link.

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My ds attends a university-model school where he took a Photoshop class. He doesn't like art so this was a good compromise for him. Interestingly at his school there is no longer a fine arts requirement. It is bundled with computer technology. So those 2 credits can be completed with fine arts, music and/or computer classes.

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Mine is watching How to Listen to and Understand Great Music by Greenberg. I threw in some quizlets on history and notation and made a pile of the programs from the zillion concerts he's been dragged to over the years. As Navy girl would say: doneski! We tried the photoshop/photography thing--no go. I tried to get him to take Hillsdale's Rome class--no go. He HAS to finish this one or he has to take drawing at the college. I think he'd rather have a root canal...


We actually have access to this course. Did you make the quizlets? Any chance you can share them with me? My husband is an orchestra conductor, so he's been to quite a few concerts. I like this idea.


My ds attends a university-model school where he took a Photoshop class. He doesn't like art so this was a good compromise for him. Interestingly at his school there is no longer a fine arts requirement. It is bundled with computer technology. So those 2 credits can be completed with fine arts, music and/or computer classes.


Even though he likes photography, I'd rather do something using computer technology if that's a choice.


Graphic Design or Drafting?


http://www.sixbranches.com/ has courses in both.


Do you have any experience using the courses on this website? I'll look at it more in depth. It looks interesting.


Thanks, everyone!

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Do you have any experience using the courses on this website? I'll look at it more in depth. It looks interesting.


Thanks, everyone!


I do not. It's on my bookmarked list of 'interesting things to check out when the time is right, which is not now' :)

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