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Cant Decide Btwn WTM and AO


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I am trying to decide on curric for next year (and hopefully the path we will follow in the years to come ) with my ds who will be in 1st. I love the idea of Ambleside Online. I have looked at the book lists and I love CM methods. Part of me feels like its "not enough" (I know that is not necessarily true) and part of me worries the reading levels will be over my ds's head. We are doing gentle K this year, focusing on the 3 R's.


And of course I love TWTM way. I have been reading the book and it makes perfect sense to me. I have looked at the curric and used some of it with my older boys (SOTW, WWS, Encyclopedia spine science). I feel pretty set that I want to just use it all - SOTW, WWE, TGS, etc, but then I do feel that draw to a more CM style. I know I could prob do a cross between both, but Im not really sure how I would make that work and I dont want to end up confused and then end up switching.


Anyway my question is, how can I best make the decision on what will be right and work best for my ds? Thanks!

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For the younger grades(k-3) I chose a more relaxed approach and went with Five in a Row. It is based on classic children's picture books and teaches valuable literary analysis skills. I added to that the CDs of SOTW. we listened to them in the car and talked about them conversationally, which was enough for my older son. With my littles, the history is way too much for them, so I am adding AO read alouds to their lessons.

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WTM language arts is CM in workbook form, execpt for the drilling of grammar in fll. WWE is copywork and narration. Fll is grammar and poetry memorization. I require a lot more copywork and narration than what is required in WWE and much more poetry memoriation than FLL. I think CM LA requires more than WTM, more developmentally appropriate, and more enjoyable than using workbooks. IMO of course. The only thing I don't agree with CM is reading methods. I'm all about phonics.

Concerning AO, you don't have to read it as written. History doesn't start until Y2. You could split up the books from Y1 into two years if you think he needs extra time. You could read aloud A Childs History of the World to give him a history overview, and read Eggleston's Great Americans for Little Americans for US history, before starting AO's history rotation.

Some of the Y1 books went over my children's head as well, but they understood a lot more than I thought they would be able to, and it got them used to hearing/reading books with excellent literary language. It has really paid off!

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You don't have to pick one or the other right now...or ever! I take ideas from both methods as they fit our family. There are some differences between the two styles, but I don't think they are completely incompatible methods. We lean toward the CM side, but I have gained many ideas from WTM too. When I'm planning the year, I like to look at recommendations from WTM and from SCM (and other CM curricula) to choose the best resources for my child. I take it one subject at a time. For first grade, the programs would be very similar anyway...aside from maybe the lesson length.

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Yep just mix and mash. I do a combo of a few different things, I use AO, Milestones academy, and SCM and TWTM stuff and come up with it all. I like Charlotte Mason stuff but I do feel kids are capable of learning some grammmar and writing stuff in the younger grades. I feel it should be more laxed and get more serious as they get older. And I teak stuff even in the middle of the year. Actually the last two years has resulted in a major shift in a few things in January. I think January may be to us what February is to everyone else. Something for me to remember for next year lol.



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I had the same dilemma. I ended up going the WTM / classical way for skills (reading, writing, & math), and AO / CM for the other subjects. I'm happy with this choice thus far...


This is kind of what I'm planning to do. Except I have my own ideas on science--I don't love the WTM way, but I want to do more than just nature study. I also might prefer the four-year history rotation to CM's six-year one. I haven't decided on that one yet. But I really like AO's art, music, literature, Shakespeare, poetry, etc.

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I did more with my oldest in first grade than I'm doing with my next child now. The reason is that he soaks up a great deal from what his older brother is learning. When I was in your stage, I also wanted to find something to use over the long haul. I'm using almost nothing now that I did two years ago. I'd vote for the combination of the two and continuing to revisit it and tweak it as you go.

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