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Dr Hive.....Chicken pox after shingles?????

Lara in Colo

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My 9yo dd had (has?) shingles. She did the week of shingles meds and was doing MUCH better.

The rash was almost gone and she wasn't having any pain or itching.


About two days after the meds were done, she was complaining of itching and I thought it was the "healing" itch from scabs.


I treated her with benadryll and tylenol to keep her from scratching.


This is contained to the area of the shingles (all down her thigh).


It now looks like this http://www.vaccinein.../variasm001.jpg


This says that it is " female with acute chicken pox infection"


This is what her leg looks like 9 days after the meds were finished. It doesn't seems to be getting better--- not worse either. VERY itchy. Not spreading.


I have a appointment with the Dr today.---- So I am seeking professional help.




Anyone have experience with this????

Can she get chicken pox after shingles????

I had shingles, it just faded away---- nothing else.

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That is very odd I thought only adults who have had chicken pox can get shingles? I hope you find answers and your daughter gets relief soon.





No you can get shingles at anytime after having chicken pox or the vaccine. But it is most common in people with suppressed immune systems (like older people) but rare in children and those with healthy immune systems (like dd).

A healthy immune systems supposedly keeps the virus in check to avoid shingles.

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Well, after calling Childrens Hospital infect. disease dept, I got the # of the Dr that consulted with the ER the first time.

They want me to see her Dr today and do a telephone consult with them.

This is a really rare thing she has, so who knows where we will end up.

:grouphug: I hope she's better very soon.

It sounds like they're taking it seriously and trying to help.

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